Disappearing Trebuchet?

Game mode: [Online | Multiplayer PvP Official 3586]
Problem: [Bug?]
Region: [U.S.]

Logged in today to see on my event log around the same time an enemy was looting fish traps that my trebuchet had lost stability on top of my base. The fish traps are down below, the trebuchet is on top, behind crenelated walls. It has been there for well over a week with zero issues. Can someone explain what happened or is this a bug?

I know for the trebuchets I’ve built and seen, they have a lower decay timer even if fully connected to main base.

Main base could have 168 hour decay timer.
But the trebuchet right beside it will not. It will be 30 or more hours less. I don’t recall the exact difference since my trebuchet decayed :slight_smile:

Perhaps that’s what is going on

I don’t know why. That’s just how it seems to work. I’ve built multiples and it’s always less

I appreciate a response. I would say it was a decay timer too if I didn’t log in religiously every day at 5 pm for raid time. It’s never decayed before (it’s been up on my base for almost two weeks) and I’m always near it to be within the timer reset range.

I think there is something wrong with the decay timer of this object.
It happens to trebuchets since a very long time now.


Trebuchets continue to randomly disappear

Much more rare, but somewhat connected is the decay bug that occurs to temples.


Jhebbal is displeased with me?

I wonder why it decided to decay after being there for almost two weeks, I had logged in less frequently than I have been here lately. So wouldn’t have despawned when I wasn’t getting on as much? It’s such a weird thing.

It happened again. I built a trebuchet on a foundation base with 100 stability. According to the repair hammer, the trebuchet should have had 168 hours of life. Two days later, it was gone.
That was my 10th trebuchet to disappear for no reason. Let’s celebrate!

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Lol wow. Mine at least lasted almost two weeks. :joy:

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