Tribe Members' Names + Alliances

It would be really helpful to see my tribe members’ names all the time and not only when I’m standing next to them. I can’t count the several moments I lost my mates because it was dark. Furthermore it would be way more comfortable to differentiate between friends and foes in a battle. Their icons should also appear on my map.

We also need alliances. Let us form alliances which allows the other tribe to receive less damage in a fight. Their names should also be seen all the time when in a specific radius. We also need a trading menu only for allied tribes. It could be a little box where you put your stuff in which you want to trade. Then you set the prize for it and the allied tribe on the other end can put the “money” into their box which completes the trade.

AND make it so that you can’t toggle tribe mates and allies. Or at least change the toggle priority to foes. It’s really annoying that when we fight against a boss, etc., I always toggle my tribe members first. The enemy stands right in front of me though.

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While it would be useful, that’s quite unrealistic given the current combat system. If you gang up so close on a mob you end up in each other’s crossfire you should also expect to be injured. Otherwise you can just pile on top with no regard to taking friendly fire.

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Alliances are MUST! It also opens up new political mini-game… " we are friends now, but what if…" or “this clan is small, but… do they have any allies…? Is it safe to take them down now…?”

this would be GREAT!

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Good point
You’re right

i support this idea, specially the target priority, omg cant tell you how many times ill have a monster stabbing me in the face and i lock onto my ally clear acroos the room. also the ranged lockon should be increased who ever decided a ranged weapon should havea melee range lock on is a moron sorry but not sorry

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