Turan wedge foundation/ceiling visual bug

When placing the Turan wedge pieces, there is a noticeable “lip” that sticks up in certain areas and the central part of the wedges lines up slightly crooked/ with gaps.

From the side:

From above:

On a related note, carpets placed on Turan wedge foundations clip through the foundation- this doesn’t seem to be an issue with the ceiling pieces:

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Here]

[Free text]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

Hey @Arsenalcontrol

Thanks for the feedback. We’re aware of some of these clipping issues, although it is unlikely there will be a fix for it, as adjusting the mesh would likely destroy many structures built with these pieces already.

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Ah, okay. Thanks for the response, I wouldn’t want to lose my base over a small visual bug.

It looks like only the visible part of the model will clip. The collision mesh is right where it should be, which results in players’ feet, etc. sinking into the foundation when they stand on it.

I have no way of knowing how the engine calculates stability, but if it’s based wholly on the collision mesh, it might be worth mentioning.


Hey @Kurozu

Welcome to our community. We’ve edited your message so it shows the image. :slight_smile:

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