Two Handed Axes

Conan Exiles has swords, two handed swords, hammers, two handed hammers, spears, two handed spears, and axes. My question is this, why aren’t there any two handed axes?


Two-handed axes are too badass. The game can’t handle it.

…yeah, I don’t know either.

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and I want to see one-handed and two-handed braids.

Yeah, we have been asking that since the game was in alpha :stuck_out_tongue: The worst thing is that Barbarians mostly used axes… just not in this world apparently!

I have also noticed that one handed hammers just stop being a thing after lvl 50? What happend?

Lets try again, there is hope since we are getting more offhand weapon options that we will see two handed axes yet!

:loud_sound: Agreed a must-have in any Barb collection, these are his tools for work dammit! Put 'em in the truck!

And a 1h pike & shield combo

If you play on PC you can use my mod : Steam Community :: Error

Foeshatter and Deathbringer axe are 2 handed axes. :wink:

They already do have that combo.

2h axe I imagine would behave very similar to 2h hammer so maybe it could just be a skin?

I sure would like to see crossbow come back as a quick draw type weapon, otherwise any reasonably made weapon is already in game (flail being heavy animation based, as would whip, and many others are just variations of existing weapons such as a glaive).

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