Ultimate Necro build?

Any PVE/Raid/Solo/Dungeon. No PVP and i most off time am SOLO i like both melee summons and ranged or there is only 1 type off summons that are an all-rounder good? “starting from lv 1”

It all depends on fight,
1 during leveling i use mutilators, i think this gives me the best dps, mjtilation is not a huge dps boost, but more than nothing. I have normalt 2 blighted ones, 6 mutilators
2. dungeons 6 mans i go With the same, but If i need more aoe, i Get lifestealers or some range petts
3. Raids: here i change often, but mostly i use mele petts. If the boss has a small hit box, i use lifestealers, cause they have the range and always hit boss, big hitbox bli/muti. Some few bosses i use range petts.
4. In total u also need to c what clsses u have in group, mele petts will help POM do ekstreme dps With cleansing, and blighted gives a debuff.