Unable to place new T3 after dismantling old T3

I removed the pieces all the way down to the foundations and still didn’t have any luck. Then I moved a thrall, a Stygian bed and a t3 planter that were all near, but didn’t seem that close, and suddenly I could place pieces again.

The area is still weird though, as I’m unable to place items on some of the foundations now. Oh well, at least the building is finished.

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This bug still exist to some certain degree…

If you dont have a ceiling on top, you cannot put the corner piece in there with 2 doorframes. One has to be a normal wall… :confused:

And sometimes even the ceiling piece does not work. Had to put in 2 normal walls, when I changed some parts at my Sinners Refuge outpost.

Another frustrating one that I’ve seen is the inability to snap in a ceiling tile at the base of steps when building downward from above. I wonder if glitches like this have shown up as a result of the devs trying to squash exploits or some such.

I’m just happy the stair corners work properly though. I believe @Multigun was instrumental in tracking down the blueprint/socket issues on those, wonder if they could see any similar anomalies with the roof corner/door frame or stair-base/ceiling socket interactions…

I already identified both instances and how to fix them, and reported my findings through the proper channels.


Awesome, glad to hear it! :slight_smile:

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