I have been getting this bug consistently every time I use the bow. Did a lot of testing, I apologize for forthcoming wall of text but I wanted to see if I could find a repeatable way of getting the bug and it got out of hand. After multiple tests, restarting the game, and other things, I’ve not found a specific thing that triggers the bug to start, it initially at least seemed to have some consistency in how it was manifesting, later tests would get different results, so I’ll list out what I found to be consistent first, and then some more specific examples that were inconsistent ways the bug would manifest across my different tests. My shortest summary is I suspect the issue is the arrows spawning in the correct starting point, but as soon as the game tries to determine where the arrow will be on the next frame/update it puts it somewhere either out of bounds or at least not immediately visible. This is based solely on my finding arrows fired into walls while touching them will spawn them but firing arrows straight down causes them to vanish.
Game/Hardware settings that might matter:
-Played on Steam, Windows 10, borderless fullscreen 1920x1080, no modifications
-Bug could occur regardless of if the Steam in-game overlay got opened during the session.
-Bug occurred with vsync on, vsync off, uncapped framerate, and with framerate capped in-game to 60 (my monitor refreshes at 144Hz and I use GSYNC)
-Bug occurred on multiple levels/runs and difficulties, but most of my tests were done in Acheron on Goat or Beast difficulty. Bug also occurs during Leviathan mode but that wasn’t used for my tests.
-Bow was always equipped to slot 4 (secondary), usually with shotgun in slot 3.
-Never tested it with Ghost Ammo boon, assuming that would make it even more unpredictable.
-Bug could occur on the very first run upon launching the game, but most of my tests confirmed it after dying in-game and retrying as I would need to finish the arena to properly test the bug’s behavior and sometimes I would fail to finish the arena after suspecting the bug had been triggered.
Consistent Findings:
I never got the bug to before the first arena of a run. Attempts to cause the bug to occur upon loading a run and not engaging enemies never worked.
When the bug was active, restarting the run would always at least fix it until the first arena.
No matter how many arrows were failing to spawn, charged shots always seem to work properly. Firing 8 uncharged shots and having none of them spawn, reloading and then firing 8 charged shots would result in all 8 appearing, returning to uncharged shots after reloading or collecting the arrows would resume the bug.
When the bug occurs, even when every single arrow is failing to appear, standing directly against a wall and firing would still cause the arrow to appear and immediately shrink and get recollected. Notably, shooting directly down does not do this. When the bug is active, rapidly firing straight down would inevitably mean I would run out of arrows and have to reload, but firing directly into a wall I was touching would recollect the arrow immediately. I use the default 80 FOV but tried the extremes of 60 and 100 to see if this mattered and it didn’t
The bug could appear when exclusively using the bow during a run and also when using other weapons. Doing a run without ever switching away from the bow or performing a slaughter still had the bug manifest before I reached the final boss.
Inconsistent/not perfectly repeatable findings:
I have consistently had the bug occur before I reached to the boss in Acheron on Beast difficulty, but it never occurred at the same point or after any specific arena. I’ve yet to make it to the boss encounter with the bow not bugged, but I have had it function until the 4th arena in some instances.
Firing the bow directly into a wall while touching the wall can change the way the bug is manifesting. In one case it ‘fixed’ the bug and I was able to fire all 8 arrows and retrieve them. This happened after the 2nd arena of the level and I didn’t have the bug occur again until the 4th/final arena before the boss. Attempting to fix it after that arena didn’t work.
Many of the times the bug occurred, it would specifically prevent certain arrows from firing when shooting all 8 back-to-back. Firing into a wall from a distance, it might consistently spawn the first arrow and the 6th arrow, but after restarting the run and getting the bug again which arrows were appearing or not appearing would be different. Often touching the wall while firing at it would change the pattern of which arrows would fire after stepping away from the wall.
In one test, I finished an arena, fired 7 of the 8 arrows into a wall and collected them without issue. Thinking the bug hadn’t occurred yet, I then shot an arrow to break the gate, another to collect health, and then tried shooting the rest of the arrows into a wall only to have the bug start occurring.
Not sure if any of this helps but hope it does since I really like using the bow when it works but at the moment it becomes useless after one or two arenas or waves in Leviathan.