Bug : Healing arrows

I there,

It seems healing arrows are not working since 3.0
When equiped they do not get thrown so no healing cloud and they do not get deducted from you total.

Do you have any additional information to provide because I have been able to use healing arrows without any trouble at all. Are you on an official server, solo/offline, private modded server? Any other information you can think of that might help?

On private non modded server.
Using a hyrkanien bow so pretty low lvl, agility perk maxed. I get the animation of the flying arrow but nothing goes :confused:

It could be a mod causing the issue, though I have no idea which one. I have used them on a server that runs only pippi and on that server they work just fine.

@Oduda He/She said non modded server :wink:

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… thank you for pointing that out. I completely missread that. >.>

edit: That’s what happens when you still need to wake up lol

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It also shows how dedicated you are to the cause, trying to help fellow exiles BEFORE you had your coffee xD

Officiel server.
I have the same problem with other types of arrows.

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