Healing arrows not working

Hello all, so anyone else noticing healing arrows not working after update, went to heal my guy 20 arrows didn’t even make a dent on the health. Heals faster just eating but now you need to run away till ya dude is healed then go back to a fight. Is there another way to heal your guy while he is fighting?

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Same issue. The healing arrow is useless now. It’s impossible to heal your thrall.

I wouldn’t call a healing arrow that doesn’t heal a new feature . Why have it all then.


I don’t see this mentioned in the Patch notes. Did I just miss it?

I mean, I do remember what happened to Lifeblood Spear, so I wouldn’t be particularly surprised if this was an intended change… but it still sounds more likely that it’s an oops.

Thats why i suggested totems but probably it is not going to Happen, the devs kinda Showed us that they are after balancing the passive healing.

I am still to use healing arrows since the nerf, until this topic i forgot that the arrows exist.

Everytime funcom updates conan it breaks 100 different things ingame, who is running this show? Dementia joe in the usa?

I’ve been gone for a minute but still same old incompetent programmers. Healing arrows don’t work and can’t put fish nor crab traps work in water well.

Nobody can do dungeons funcom, we can’t heal thralls…why on gods green earth did you not do a controlled update before to verify your code?

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