Come one come all! We have released the second part of the Pets Update for PS4!
The latest free update to Conan Exiles lets you raise and tame the wild beasts of the Exiled Lands. Pets will fight for you, defend your settlements and produce valuable resources while confined to their pet pens. We’re also rolling out some bug fixes and some critical crash fixes.
- New pet taming system
- Fixed 2 critical server crashes reported by the community
- The north-western corner of the Frozen North is accessible again!
Pet system and taming
You asked for it and we are happy to deliver: From today on forward you will be able to tame and raise your very own pet(s). Explore the Exiled Lands with your trusty companion by your side or build a farm to have them produce materials for you.
You will want to start your career as a Beastmaster by building an animal pen for your new future friends. These shelters come in three different tiers and have 5 available pens to hold your animals.
Following this, you will need to obtain a baby or an egg. These can be found in the world, and on certain (rare) vendors so keep your eyes open while you travel! You’ll be able to place your baby pet version into the pen and have them grow into an adult and trusty companion over time.
However, don’t forget to feed and treat them well or you might just end up with a carcass!
While you have a baby animal in your pen, the type of food you offer it will influence your chances to have your baby grow into a greater pet version: A rarer, more powerful and special looking variation.
The new pet system will also introduce the mechanic of thrall feeding. Special Feed boxes and Thrall Pots are available for easier, automatic food distribution to several pets or thralls for those of you who are planning for bigger armies of two and four legged friends.
While keeping your pets happy and fed they will eat any type of food that they can digest. However, feeding them their favorite snacks will grant them temporary buffs.
Very conveniently, live animals will also produce dung, which is used to create compost for your planters.
Even in the sad and unfortunate event of your pet’s untimely death, you can still make use of them. Placing dead pets inside a Liquid Separator will grind them down into blood, bone and hide resources.
Patch notes
New Server Settings
The following new server settings controls pet and thrall hunger:
SETTING | ServerSettings.ini NAME | DESCRIPTION |
Enable Hunger System: Thralls | ToggleHungerSystemThralls | Toggles the hunger system for thralls. |
Enable Hunger System: Pets | ToggleHungerSystemPets | Toggles the hunger system for pets. |
Food Nutrition Value | FoodNutritionValue | The amount of nutrition the companion gain from eating food. |
Starvation Time In Minutes | StarvationTimeInMinutes | The amount of minutes it takes for companion hunger gauges to go from 100 to 0. |
Starvation Damage Penalty Cap | StarvationDamagePenaltyCap | When a companion’s hunger gauge reaches 0, they start taking damage to their health. This value determines how much health can be removed in total, given in percent where 1 means 100% of the health. |
Animal Pen Crafting Time Multiplier | AnimalPenCraftingTimeMultiplier | Multiplies the speed of crafting in animal pens. |
Food Container Range multiplier | FeedBoxRangeMultiplier | Multiplies the distance that Food Containers can feed your companions. |
Exclusive Diet | ExclusiveDiet | Determines whether companions exclusively eat items listed on their diet. Disabled means they will eat any food item, in addition to their diet. |
QoL Updates
- Food will decay very slowly when placed in pet Pens. The higher the tier of the pen, the slower it will decay.
- Food will also decay very slowly when placed in food dispensers.
- Added pet and thrall hunger system server settings to the admin panel
- Pet feeding screen can now be opened from the radial menu
- We taught the Locust Queen how to fight!
- The Camel pet is now the proud owner of a backpack
- Animal pen dung production is now more stable with different pets
- Fixed several issues with pen crafting
- Potion of Midnight now has 30 sec decay and cannot be stacked
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash related to the Volcano boss fight
- Fixed an attack problem with werewolves
- Fixed an attack problem with Gorilla boss
- Fixed a collision problem that would deny access to certain areas in the north
- Fixed a server crash related to thrall crafting queues (Please note: This will cause your thrall conversion timer to reset, but it will only be a one-time thing)
- Fixed a bug where the Sunder debuff would remain permanently on a player
- Fixed a bug where the Avatar of Jhebbal Sag would remain active for longer than set Avatar Lifetime