UPDATED 2: Decay Timers - Buildings Jan 27, Thralls Jan 31

Updated January 9, 2025

Hey there Exiles, Happy New Year! We’ll be keeping holiday decay settings for a few more weeks.

Building decay timers will go back to their normal setting on January 24th.
Thrall decay timers will go back to their normal setting on January 31st.

Greetings Exiles,

As the Holiday Season™️ looms over the horizon, decay timers on all official servers will be doubled beginning on December 20th until January 13th 2025. We hope you have a festive and safe holiday full of merrymaking, mirth, and mulled wine! Cheers!

NOTE: To clarify, Thrall timers will be set back to 10 days in the morning of Jan 14 (server time), so as a reminder, any thralls over this time and not ‘refreshed’ will vanish when regular decay timers come back.

IMPORTANT: Errant servers with the incorrect drop-on-death settings should be fixed as well by this time.


Good evening Andy,

Is it possible to reconsider a settings change on a Friday of which it has been communicated would no longer be done?

Monday would allow for staff to address possible issues immediately.


Hey @AndyB !!

Also - might we poll the community, and consider not adjusting the decay timers at all?

Like “clockwork,” EVERY TIME the decay timers get adjusted, it without fail causes unintentional decaying. It might be a good idea to check in with the community, and determine if the adjustment of the decay timers is actually necessary. What do you say?


good opportunity to fix the server settings that are not allowing pickup items from ppl that you kill in pvp


this is ruining the game. The attacker comes to raid you and never loses the items.

Needs to be fixed urgently


Body vaulted and do not care any more then funcom does.

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Added clarification about thralls.

It’s something we can consider and ask about but wouldn’t happen for this season. To get any remotely accurate data we’d want to run an activation similar to our player surveys which would take time to set up and implement.

We do recognize thrall timers during the holidays has lead to confusion and frustration.


(and will follow up about inventory drop settings)


The issue was identified and errant servers with the incorrect drop-on-death settings should be fixed as well by this time.


Thank you!!!

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Yes I guess a video about why the industry is going to crap, with all that is going on on Conan is off topic :roll_eyes:

By “this time” do you mean today, tomorrow or January 14?


IDK if youll respond to this but the dropping loot is now letting you be looted outside of the pvp timer. i had someone watch me die just to steal my stuff and run off. i get dropping loot during the pvp times but not the pve time.

Do you mean for PVP or PVE-C?

Pve- c

on pve-c it has always been like that

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Is this a change since last week or today?

not it hasnt outside pvp times if you died your gear stayed on you.
now your dropping it and its lootable

today after maint

i tested it on myself you die u spawn naked, you die and someones near you they can loot u now it wasnt like this before the maint