Thrall Decay Timer only at 15 days for holidays (base decay timer 20; thralls decay before base does)

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1502
Mods: none

Bug Description:

I think this is an oversight rather than a bug per-se, but a serious one that should be addressed. It seems that while the base decay timer was extended for the holidays (to 480hrs / 20 days), the thrall timer was not, and remained at 15 days. There was no way to know this, and I assumed that the decay timer extension applied to thralls as well. I just logged in after 17 days, to find that while my bases still had 36hrs left on the decay timers, all of my combat thralls had decayed two days ago. I am sure I am not the only one this is or will affect, so please do look in to it, and consider a server rollback. Thank you for your time.

Bug Reproduction:

  1. Refresh your base during holiday extended hours so the decay timer goes to 20 days (480:00). 2. Stay offline for at least 16 days so that all of your thralls decay. 3. log back in before the 20 days are up and confirm that your bases still have time left on the decay timers, but your thralls have successfully decayed.

Same thing here. My bases are intact and thralls disappeared, on server 1035 and 1039.

Same happen to me on PvE-C #1043
This also happen couple month ago i think it was after last holiday timer in October.

They cant set buidling decay to holiday timer but leave thrall at standard decay.
Cant believe this similar problem happened again

Last time was a rollback after some days

They screwed a whole bunch of us on Siptah after Siptah had been so absurdly buggy for months that decay was disabled across the board. When they finally re-enabled decay a bunch of us lost all our followers. Funkhram gives zero clucks. That was months ago and they have ignored us.

My only advice is DO NOT EVER PLAY ON OFFICIAL SERVERS. Funcom does not care about you at all, they do not care about game performance, every patch they release makes the game experience worse.

To assume any game company is going to keep your stuff in tact on a public server for at least 15 days without you playing, is irresponsible on your part.

I just found this out the hard way too. Lost 30+ thralls on 1953 and my bases were all fine. Since when was that a thing? Would you think that if doubling BASE decay to 20 days you would also remember to extend THRALL decay to 20 days? That would make sense, no? Would almost rather lose my base and still have the thralls I’d spent so long levelling and collecting. FFS.

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