Thrall decay timer bug. Again. - Funcom?

Remember back when this happened…?

Followed by this…

Well, you did it again.

I signed in today with 173 hours (7 days) left on my base. And the event log shows that all thralls decayed 2 days ago because “no member of the guild has been online in a long time.”

Why is it even possible for the thralls to decay long before the base does? Maybe it’s time for you to change the requirements for thrall decay.

Last time you did this there was such a backlash that there was a server rollback. But for some reason, I don’t see that happening this time.


and the worst is there is a blatant silent of funcom when situation have been explained several time…@community, decision and communication time please.

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Already a few posts about this!
I too lost mine on my PS4 server. I still had 172 hours left on my buildings. Lost my Thralls by 2 hours.
Very Angry.
Not that I lost the thralls, ( Though I did have some unique ones from the purges) but the amount of resources and equipment I lost.

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I lost every single thrall, all pf them gone. 80 followers of which 70 were level 20 with the best perks i could get with rebirth potions…
Did Funcom acknowledged this already?

Sadly. No, they have not.

I just logged in into a server i rarely play on, just a tiny base to look at what friends doing there (no clan). My measly four sparse equipped thralls decayed three days ago although i am pretty sure that i logged in just a week ago. But: maybe i am wrong, i play on several servers soooo… maybe its more than 10 days.

But why are no decayed buildings? I think because of the bugged refresh timers as sometimes anyone who comes along can trigger a refresh regardless of ownership. One friend (again: no clan, i play solo!) has his hut nearby, so if he checks my timer he might give me more time. For foundations and stuff but obviously not thralls.

Lost 110 followers.

About 60 were combat types all capped. The rest were various pets and dancers.

Had 4 dancers per teleport pads and had 4 pads.

Now i start getting all those dancers back.


The messing around of the decay timer (in a circular manner) ALWAYS has an impact. It’s been impactful twice a year. Each time Funcom insists on adjusting it.

It is stupid to move the default decay timer around on official servers for an arbitrary holiday period for one country or culture.

I have said as much every time when I see that the decay timer adjustments have been impactful. But Funcom doesn’t seem to care, nor do they ever get the memo.

@Community @ZahMaiatt

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In addition with the new content , guess what?

Your bench workers thralls will be on that same timer now.

Just sayin!


hahahahah omg!!!

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sorry @Summer

but i think they will not say a word, and they will not care,

got people in my server complaining bout thralls being decayed , and bases still with plenty of time.


Still waiting on any info about what I am to do about this? I lost over 80 thralls, mounts, pets and the Sacred Hunt Teddy Bear. Most of the thralls were lvl 20 and many had legendary gear.

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They apparently don’t care thanks to their wonderfull management, because after 8 days, no communication its a clear message. i will personnaly put my money on others pocket.


This happened to me as well. Lost 95 thralls but bases & benches still there, (those thralls at least are still there for the time being until they go alive I guess in next Age). Players shouldn’t have to batten down the hatches every time there’s an update. And for already placed thralls, to have them disappear, what can we do?

Very frustrating to have no response at all.

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last time it happened we had @Ignasi post what Summer brought., other times, since we have not heard anything this time, i think it prooves this game is not longer as important as it used to be for them. i think if they fail with dune, this game will become important again as it is the only real source of income they have.

this is the kind of stuff PR and @Community managers needs to respond quiclky.

since rollbacks are out of the questions, double the XP gathering for thralls, and increase the chance of fining them, now imagine this bug with deployed crafters too , NOT PRETTY!!!

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it will be without me for dune; no way i go on that with the way they manage conan.


They decay before your building did it seems I lost mine the same way my building had no timer loss but one day on the 10th of September my stuffs gone yet I logged in on the second of September :unamused: check your even log in the pause screen.

The roll backs most likely killed my thralls

Yay rollbacks. Least I am not alone…

Yeah thank god I’m not losing my mind.