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is it the same bug where they fall under the ground? check your followers tab to see if theyre still alive, if theyre grayed out they probably fell through the mesh. ive had it happen to me where i needed to use the ghost command to go down and fish em out
Greetings @Cathain ,
Thank you for reporting this issue to us however it seems the information from the template wasn’t pasted here. Could you please use the given Bug Report Template and make sure the information is shared in your report?
This template has most of the information we need to start investigating and will make the process a lot quicker for everyone
You can find it here: NEW Bug Report Template
Please, add a screenshot of the event log where there should be information regarding your thralls and pets.
Thanks in advance!
Yeah sorry about that. Made a new report today.
Official server-
Nope, log shows all have decayed due to no one in clan logging in for 2 weeks.
So building decay set to 480 hours or 20 days , but thrall decay was not extended as it must ve still been at 336 hours or 14 days.
SO today when the switch over happened back to normal time , all thralls lost on one of my servers.
Life goes on.
I will use that server to test the new content coming down since i have 110 slots available.
the problem is at level of countdown,
when they changed the holliday timer on 2nd september, it has applied fine for building = if you building was over 240h server will simply put your building to 240h when you connect. if your building was less than 240h than the decay count continue until you connect. and so it’s working for building
but for thralls, total mess. during the holliday timer server was appltiyng the 480h timer for thralss and that was fine. but since they removed the holliday decay timer yesterday and reverted back to the usual decay timer, server will simply check when you connected for last time using the new thralls decay timer of the 2nd september so that you have not connected for less than 10 days, and will erase your thralls in this case even if this period of time was part of the holliday extended timer., but the server will ignore the fact that before the 2nd september it was extended decay timer for thralls.
so to tell it clear, if in exemple you have not connected since 15 days, if you connect today your building will be fine, but all your thralls will be erased at connection.
so again a total mess up with the decay timer modification for thralls…
Yup. Getting so hard to log into this game these days. I too have lost all my followers AGAIN. 3rd time this has happened to me on PS.
Was off by 2 hours… 2 hours…
Yet my buildings didnt even go into the 24hr decay stage.
I cant even express how Angry I am right now.
Yep i get that.
I got other survival games i can play.
Soulmask and Medieval Dynasty for starters.
Soulmask in particular demands playtime or your tribe will leave you.
after the debacle last year, I expected trouble and I guess I did the right thing
I logged in the day before the change, reset the timer everywhere and then the next two days until the change was applied and I reset everything again just to be sure
It cost me 3x10 minutes and I had peace of mind.
The messing around of the decay timer (in a circular manner) ALWAYS has an impact. It’s been impactful twice a year. Each time Funcom insists on adjusting it.
It is stupid to move the default decay timer around on official servers for an arbitrary holiday period for one country or culture.
I have said as much every time when I see that the decay timer adjustments have been impactful. But Funcom doesn’t seem to care, nor do they ever get the memo.
well sorry to be in disagree with you, you are right and wrong at same time, but the extended time of decay for holliday is something important for a large part of players, even if i agree with you that this specific period of holliday do not match with the whole world (and they should may be think to other specific cultural hollidays of others part of the world in an ideal world).
But that is not your main argument, as your main agurment is that they mess with the way to manage the revert back to normal timer each time recently (i mean in past by the original team, thralls decays was when first introduced was at a time of 30 days and never touch before something 2 years ago if i remenber well, and there was a reason for that longer timer for thralls than buildings as we can see it today).
Where i am strongly in disagree with you is on the observation you do that they mess each time when they modify decay timer (and you are correct here) and that for this reason we should think to remove what is convenient to a large part of players (even if not all) to adapt on this reality from funcom actual way to manage things, and remove this extended decay timer period for all.
I personnaly think that is not us (customers) to adapt on a problem of FC internal management, but this is to FC to adapt to their customers and do what they need to do to make it work well and be professional (and that is not very complex to do it…and make it work…). i mean i know no commercial company in the world that survive long when they don’t correct what impact their customers. so well its up to them, but karma is karma.
Have you worked in any sort of technology? At all ever?
You manage by exception.
To twiddle this, and to twiddle that - is to add pain for everyone using your product. Jacking around with the settings (which Funcom LOVES to do) is how you destroy user experiences.
What is the #1 cause of impacts, to anything… ever? Change. By changing a static setting - they screw everyone who was logging in at X intervals to refresh their stuff.
What would be IDEAL - is a decay setting that everyone can depend on. Moving the goalposts helps no one.
Except maybe you. Who sets the calendar by Funcom’s jacking around, apparently.
well i am line producer in cgi animation, so well even if cgi animation is mostly about art, it require to deliver this art to also manage too tech people ((as we have lot of dev & r&d people), and technology constraints to deliver.
And as line producer i manage by commun sense and hope most people in all kind of industry manage by commun sense too
And in our particular case it appear to me not very complex to see where is the problem, as said before last year incident with thralls we never had any thralls deleted before a base decay, simply because thralls decay timer was longer than building, originally it was 7 days for building and 30 days for thralls i think. Seem to me that a default value of 20 days for thralls will simply solve all issues. and any change of server parameter need to be checked by 3 differents persons (but i m pretty sure they implemented that just after last year incident)
i mean again you are not really wrong, but you take an hypothesis where there is no way to avoid,problems with management of decay timer change and that this extended period time for building don’t desserve problem. and where i disagree is that i see no way for FC to not be able to manage this change of decay timer in a very safe mode for users, i mean there is plenty of simple solutions to apply in this particular case.
but bro what to say, we all saw what happened to the game with as you said
“To twiddle this, and to twiddle that - is to add pain for everyone using your product. Jacking around with the settings (which Funcom LOVES to do) is how you destroy user experiences.”
and i would sadly be in total agreement with that.
it’s simple math, the vast majority of countries and human population (hence players) are in the northern hemisphere - and there, summer is usually the holiday season
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