Fighter Thralls Disappeared

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1730
Mods: None

Bug Description:

All my fighter thralls disappeared. Still Have Base and work station thralls.

Bug Reproduction:

Not sure, just logged in and they were gone.

It probably was the Decay timer. Was not set the same as the Building decay timer.
So when they switched it back to regular 10 days, it was good for your buildings.
But if you weren’t on for 10 days, bye bye Thralls.
I lost all mine too. All my followers.

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for two years. I constantly logged in to the game every four days and checked the countdown with the construction hammer. Just because I can’t trust the times. The server may rollback and consider you not logged in. It doesn’t hurt to take extra precautions.

How about others on the server, they lose thralls as well? It’s definitely a discontinuity with the decay timer. When it happened to us last year, it happened to everyone (I spoke with) on the server. Funcom did nothing in response.

nop not correct, last year they did a rollback and restored thralls, and gave in compensasion for player that lost some time a x for harvest, and crafting for a week.

and last year i was hopefully not affected by the thralls erased and took the roll back as it was the best for all, even if in my case it was about 10h of gameplay lost to move assets because i was attacked on my pvp server and that i had to redo the exact same when they did the rollback. so i remember well sadly.

but last year they reacted in 2 days

problem is linked to the way the count for decay timer of thralls works (not the same way than building) and they did again an error this year in the way to manage that.

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Despite my report of the issue, they very well did nothing. You speak as though you know me and my servers, and you don’t.

This happened to me too, (lost 95 thralls), I reported as well & really hope they have some response.