What is the current thrall decay timer on Official Siptah?

As far as I was aware, the timer is supposed to be 14 or 15 days for official servers. I’ve not heard it has been changed otherwise. However, I last logged in on Dec 5th prior to today. In my logs, it shows that all of my thralls decayed yesterday which would put the decay timer at 10 days. When was this change made and why was it not communicated?

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Every time Funcom adjusts this setting, people lose buildings and thralls.

I would have hoped that they might have learned their lesson on this by now. Looking at you @den . And you @AndyB

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Why is it being adjusted though? And what is the actual official policy? Everything I can find says it should be 14 or 15 days.

Decay timer is currently 240 hours (10 Days) so I’m not sure where you’re getting 15 from?

There might be a holiday timer coming up, but the last one was in summer.

Yes, building decay timer has always been 240 hours. It was never set to the same amount of time for follower decay. Looking back through old threads, it always mentioned 14 or 15 days.

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Ayeesh, that was my misread. Followers were at 14-15 at one point because they’d be there when a base wasn’t. It seems like now they decay with all pieces.

AFAIK thrall decay time was adjusted to 240 hrs (10 days) when building decay time was adjusted to 10 days. This was implemented March 7, 2023.

While it does not explicitly state that it is for building decay timer, it is heavily implied that it is with the image, IMHO. I suppose it could be interpreted with “the new default decay timer on official servers…” for both.

Having both building and thrall decay timers the same make sense, I never understood why when it was 168 hrs (7 days) thralls decayed in 15.

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