"User is banned from this server." - Whole clan is unable to play on Official Servers

Hello Everyone,

Before making any comments regarding cheating, hacking, scripting, etc., please read the WHOLE story. Thanks!

I was a part of a clan called “KOREAN GODS”, with about 6-7 members, playing on Official server #1111 PVP (EU). There were about 3 guys of us who played almost non-stop on the server, but the rest of us only joined to the server for either having fun, or simply being AFK during raid time to show presence that our clan is online. As for myself, I completed 100% of the steam achievements during this period (most of them completed about 20 April, and some later on 8 May). As for a little add, there were multiple clans with identically the same name KOREAN GODS (maybe some with non-capital letters), just like my ingame name (on #1111) was Night King, and another (random/non-clan member) player was NightKing (without space).

After about a week later my non-stop online friends told us that they can’t join the servers anymore for NO REASON. The others - including myself - also checked if we could connect to official servers, but unfortunately we couldn’t join either. We can play on private servers, and also in Singleplayer, but can’t play on official servers due to this reason: (I uploaded it to imgur, since New forum members can’t upload photos, update1: NEITHER can include links in the topic…).

Pending Connection Failure
Could not connect to server. User is banned from this server.

I tried to look into the details regarding this issue, but I haven’t yet found anything useful, since none of our clan members have VAC, Game ban or Developer ban (or any kind of bans) on our steam profiles!!! Neither there is an official statement, email or anything from the developers. This happened about 2 months ago somewhere about 15 May, and it still exists - the photo was taken today.

There are no direct ways to email support, so I posted it on the forum - the only possible way. As for VAC cases, EAC should be contacted, but since none of us have that kind of ban on our steam profiles, I would rather wait from an official response here before contacting them.

So my questions are: Why can’t we join to official servers? How to appeal this “ban”? How can this happen? Why can’t you notify people in such cases?

My Steam 64 ID is 76561198017239794. You can check my account freely - it’s publicly visible.


You need to discuss the ban issue with a community manager privately. I suggest you send a private message to Ignasis or Hugo to discuss the issue. If you can’t send private/direct messages then let them know via this thread and they will increase your account privileges until you can.

I laughed reading coming online to afk, just to show presence.

But yeah, don’t cheat.

I have never heard of that. I doubt it that this is the case, we were alphas along with another clan called 300. I will ask my friends about this one, we will see what they say. :smiley:

!! Sorry, new users can’t mention other users. !! (I am replying to all of you.)

Thanks for your help! Unfortunately, I might not have privilege since I haven’t yet seem to find a send message function. Hopefully they will come accross this topic.

It is a serious issue in a high-pop server. It is impossible to be online every consecutive days for a couple of weeks during raid time. Not to mention that 40/40 slot was always an issue so we could even swap players: the AFK who joined 1-2 hours before raid time, leaves the server so that our more active player can come online.

Hello @antalmate, we’ll have to close this thread as this is not the place nor way to dispute a ban.

Ban appeals are usually handled privately through DM and, although we rarely issue these, when we do it means that there was a very grave offense or exploit involved, such as intentionally crashing a server, repeatedly.

Bans resulting from when we investigate exploiting reports that are provided together with evidence are permanent and not to be lifted, as we’ve confirmed their legitimacy. As you’ve noticed, you’re still allowed to access single player, cooperative and private servers, just not official ones.