First off, Love the game, me and my gf are having a blast however;
In Coop it feels like you u almost can’t build Anything, because of how the economy works.
Right now its way easier to play solo because of how the gold income works.
Upkeep on walls should be removed or lowered. Upkeep in general is very restrictive in this game. It effects the fun factor a lot. I feel like I can’t experiment with different units etc.
Fire even with the recent patch is still annoying to the point i end up just selling a whole row of walls and rebuild them. Stone walls in particular should be much harder to set on fire…as they are stone. (fire immune wall upgrade, sand tower(both push back on enemies and put out fire) would be cool.
-The DLC needs to be addressed as this is a big reason there is negative reviews for the game. Just my two cents, but why not make 2 more heroes, and add it to the package? Im going to buy the dlc cuz the game is awesome but that dlc really hurt the game.
Thanks for the great game.
Welcome to our community and thanks for the feedback.
Some of these suggestions are already being considered by the devs. Keep an eye on our social channels to stay up to date with future news about the game
Rather than start a new thread, i thought it’d be fitting to put what I put in the Unconquered discord to here. I have 65 hrs in the game and really enjoy it the more & more I play. With that said, here are a few thoughts.
I wish the game could keep track of my own person high scores. Sure I could save the challenge but I don’t want the same map every time. I simply want a my own personal high scores list like you’d find on an arcade. I realize much of the game is designed around co-op play but I’ve got to imagine several of us simply enjoy this game as a solo player. I know I do. So I’d like a high score list from my personal games.
There needs to be more units. Far too many people I’m guessing only get to play with Javelin solders & swordsman and that’s about it. Or at least several newer player I’m thinking. It’s too darn expensive for some of the really cool units like Heavy archers and/or cavalry given the upgrade costs to get there. Then the units are over-priced themselves.
I think heroes need more skills. So they have one and they kinda get more when you kill bosses. Okay. Would be cool if we could select our skills.
I don’t understand why stone burns or can be caught on fire. I think that’s something that shouldn’t happen when you pay for that upgrade.