Venom-Infused Weapon Decription Errors

The short description for the Venom-Infused Daggers calls them a pike.

The short description for the Venom-Infused Pike says its head is made from Hardened Steel, but only Star Metal is used in its construction.

The short description for the Venom-Infused Sword says it is a steel sword, but as with the pike, it is made with Star Metal.


Mhhh can only confirm this one (Typo).

Checked all Venom-Infused Weapons:

  • ID51097 Venom-Infused Sword - A steel sword infused with venom - This weapon has been infused with venom, making each cut envenom its victim.


  • ID51097 Venom-Infused Sword - A star metal sword infused with venom - This weapon has been infused with venom, making each cut envenom its victim.

Or just (to fit with the others)

  • ID51097 Venom-Infused Sword - A sword infused with venom - This weapon has been infused with venom, making each cut envenom its victim.

All others seems fine to me:

  • ID51098 Venom-Infused Two-Handed Sword - A two-handed sword infused with venom - This weapon has been infused with venom, making each cut envenom its victim.
  • ID51099 Venom-Infused War-Axe - A war-axe infused with venom - This weapon has been infused with venom, making each cut envenom its victim.
  • ID51100 Venom-Infused Daggers - A pair of daggers infused with venom - This weapon has been infused with venom, making each cut envenom its victim.
  • ID51101 Venom-Infused Pike - A spear infused with venom - This weapon has been infused with venom, making each cut envenom its victim.


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Hmm, I see the descriptions are not always the same. These descriptions are what you see if you select their recipes in the Blacksmith.

  • Venom-Infused Daggers: “A pike infused with venom”
  • Venom-Infused Pike: “A spear with a hardened steel head”
  • Venom-Infused Sword: “A steel sword infused with venom”

The item short decription is correct but the recipe description is wrong.

                "sourceString":"Venom-Infused Daggers"
                "sourceString":"A pike infused with venom"

Thanks everybody for your feedback,

We’ve sent your report to our #spellchekker team :slight_smile:

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