SO, i am going to throw this chart out there. I will fill in over time as i learn what they all do. Maybe we can get this on wiki for some kind of guide. I know there is already one, but it is missing quite a few of these. I feel if we as a community of private owners knows what they do, sharing will help those that don’t.
Description | [ServerSettings] | value |
Used to control who can log into server | ServerPasswrod | (blank) |
Used to allow for :cheat" codes as well as spawn in items, thralls, pets | AdminPassword | (blank) |
True = Players can damage other players, False=no player damage against each other. | PVPEnabled | TRUE |
PVPBlitzServer | FALSE | |
Numeridal…1 means partial nudity allowed on server | MaxNudity | 1 |
ServerCommunity | 0 | |
ServerRegion | 1 | |
Message that players will see on log in | ServerMessageOfTheDay | na |
MaxAllowedPing | 0 | |
EnableWhitelist | FALSE | |
EveryoneCanCheat | FALSE | |
If False, then players will disapear in game as soon as they log off, Tru= Body stays in for set amount of time based on another setting | LogoutCharactersRemainInTheWorld | FALSE |
PlayerStaminaMultiplier | 1 | |
StaminaCostMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerStaminaCostSprintMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerStaminaCostMultiplier | 1 | |
StaminaRegenerationTime | 1 | |
StaminaExhaustionTime | 1 | |
StaminaStaticRegenRateMultiplier | 1 | |
StaminaMovingRegenRateMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerStaminaRegenSpeedScale | 1 | |
StaminaOnConsumeRegenPause | 1 | |
StaminaOnExhaustionRegenPause | 1 | |
If you lower the setting, the durability of weapons, armor will be lowered,raise and it raise the durability | DurabilityMultiplier | 1 |
PlayerFoodMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerWaterMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerIdleThirstMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerActiveThirstMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerOfflineThirstMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerIdleHungerMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerActiveHungerMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerOfflineHungerMultiplier | 1 | |
ShieldDurabilityMultiplier | 0.5 | |
BuildingRadialDestructionForceMultiplier | 500 | |
DayCycleSpeedScale | 1 | |
DayTimeSpeedScale | 1 | |
NightTimeSpeedScale | 0.66 | |
DawnDuskSpeedScale | 1.17 | |
PlayerHealthMultiplier | 1 | |
HarvestAmountMultiplier | 5 | |
ItemSpoilRateScale | 1 | |
ResourceRespawnSpeedMultiplier | 1 | |
This turns on claim. True = all players, regardless of clan, can access each others doors, containers and share building and destruction of everything. False = claim is set to clan only and doors cannot be opened, cannot acess locked containers and players cannot build together (distance for cliam area set on another setting) | NoOwnership | FALSE |
CanDamagePlayerOwnedStructures | TRUE | |
True= players don’t keep inventory when they die on respawn, and must retrieve it from the death maker. false = keep inventory with you when you die and respawn. | DropEquipmentOnDeath | TRUE |
Not Active as of 07-31-2020 | DropShortcutbarOnDeath | TRUE |
No Active as of 07-31-2020 | DropBackpackOnDeath | TRUE |
True =if you die and you have inventory on you (see drop on death setting) or you log off and body stay in game, then other players can loot your body. False means no OTHER PLAYER can loot your body | EverybodyCanLootCorpse | TRUE |
Sets the decay time for buildijngs in seconds (3600 = 1 hour, 86400 = 1 day) | MaxBuildingDecayTime | 1209600 |
MaxDecayTimeToAutoDemolish | 604800 | |
NPCMindReadingMode | None | |
ChatMaxMessageLength | 512 | |
ChatFloodControlAheadCounter | 10 | |
EnableSandStorm | TRUE | |
UseClientCatchUpTime | TRUE | |
ClientCatchUpTime | 10 | |
NPCKnockbackMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerKnockbackMultiplier | 1 | |
StructureDamageMultiplier | 1 | |
StructureDamageTakenMultiplier | 1 | |
StructureHealthMultiplier | 1 | |
NPCRespawnMultiplier | 1 | |
NPCHealthMultiplier | 1 | |
CraftingCostMultiplier | 2 | |
Controls how much damage a player does per hit, higher equals more per hit. | PlayerDamageMultiplier | 1.5 |
Not Active as of 07-31-2020 | MinionDamageMultiplier | 1 |
Not Actie as of 07-31-2020 | MinionDamageTakenMultiplier | 1 |
Controls how much Damage NPC’s and follweres do, higher is more damage done per hit | NPCDamageMultiplier | 1 |
Controls how much Damage NPC’s and follweres take, higher = more damage taken per hit | NPCDamageTakenMultiplier | 1 |
controls How much Damage Players take, higher = more damage taken per hit. | PlayerDamageTakenMultiplier | 0.7 |
PlayerEncumbranceMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerEncumbrancePenaltyMultiplier | 1 | |
PlayerMovementSpeedScale | 1 | |
PlayerSprintSpeedScale | 1 | |
PlayerHealthRegenSpeedScale | 1 | |
PlayerXPRateMultiplier | 5 | |
PlayerXPKillMultiplier | 5 | |
PlayerXPHarvestMultiplier | 0.2 | |
PlayerXPCraftMultiplier | 0.2 | |
PlayerXPTimeMultiplier | 2 | |
DogsOfTheDesertSpawnWithDogs | TRUE | |
CrossDesertOnce | TRUE | |
WeaponEffectBoundsShorteningFraction | 0.8 | |
EnforceRotationRateWhenRoaming_2 | TRUE | |
EnforceRotationRateInCombat_2 | TRUE | |
ClipVelocityOnNavmeshBoundary | TRUE | |
UnarmedNPCStepBackDistance | 400 | |
AvatarsDisabled | TRUE | |
AvatarLifetime | 60 | |
AvatarSummonTime | 20 | |
bCanBeDamaged | TRUE | |
ChatLocalRadius | 2000 | |
ChatHasGlobal | TRUE | |
PathFollowingAvoidanceMode | 257 | |
RotateToTargetSendsAngularVelocity | TRUE | |
TargetPredictionMaxSeconds | 1 | |
TargetPredictionAllowSecondsForAttack | 0.4 | |
MaxAggroRange | 9000 | |
LandClaimRadiusMultiplier | 0.5 | |
ItemConvertionMultiplier | 0.5 | |
PathFollowingSendsAngularVelocity | FALSE | |
UnconsciousTimeSeconds | 900 | |
ConciousnessDamageMultiplier | 1 | |
ValidatePhysNavWalkWithRaycast | TRUE | |
LocalNavMeshVisualizationFrequency | -1 | |
UseLocalQuadraticAngularVelocityPrediction | FALSE | |
clanMaxSize | 4 | |
RegionAllowAfrica | TRUE | |
RegionAllowAsia | TRUE | |
RegionAllowCentralEurope | TRUE | |
RegionAllowEasternEurope | TRUE | |
RegionAllowWesternEurope | TRUE | |
RegionAllowNorthAmerica | TRUE | |
RegionAllowOceania | TRUE | |
RegionAllowSouthAmerica | TRUE | |
False means buildings will decay based on another setting, True = Buldings will not decay | DisableBuildingAbandonment | TRUE |
ThrallCraftingTimeMultiplier | 0.5 | |
False = Containers can only be accessed by clan members (this includes crafting stations, thrall well, pet pens) all the time. True = If Containers are not locked, other players can access them, as well as all crafting stations, pet pens, thrall wheels are open all the time. | ContainersIgnoreOwnership | FALSE |
FuelBurnTimeMultiplier | 0.5 | |
Clansize | 4 | |
CombatModeModifier | 0 | |
ServerVoiceChat | 0 | |
ThrallCorruptionRemovalMultiplier | 0.5 | |
PlayerCorruptionGainMultiplier | 1.5 | |
FriendlyFireDamageMultiplier | 0.25 | |
EnableAutoFacingOnAttack | TRUE | |
EnableTargetLock | TRUE | |
ThrallConversionMultiplier | 0.3 | |
BuildingDecayTimeMultiplier | 1 | |
CoopTetheringLimit | 52000 | |
KickAFKPercentage | 80 | |
KickAFKTime | 2700 | |
VocalVisibilityDurationMinutes | 10 | |
ToggleHungerSystemThralls | FALSE | |
ToggleHungerSystemPets | FALSE | |
FoodNutritionValue | 1 | |
StarvationTimeInMinutes | 10080 | |
StarvationDamagePenaltyCap | 0 | |
AnimalPenCraftingTimeMultiplier | 0.5 | |
FeedBoxRangeMultiplier | 1 | |
ExclusiveDiet | FALSE | |
RestrictPVPTime | TRUE | |
PVPTimeWeekendStart | 0 | |
PVPTimeWeekendEnd | 2359 | |
PVPTimeWeekdayStart | 0 | |
PVPTimeWeekdayEnd | 2359 | |
OverrideDecayMaxBuildingPieces | 6 | |
OverrideDecayTime | 806400 | |
ThrallDecayTime | 259200 | |
UseMinionPopulationLimit | TRUE | |
MinionPopulationBaseValue | 40 | |
MinionPopulationPerPlayer | 15 | |
MinionOverpopulationCleanup | 105 | |
DisableThrallDecay | FALSE | |
EventLogCauserPrivacy | 0 | |
EnableFollowerRescueOnLandClaimOnly | TRUE | |
EnableFollowerRescueInBuildExclusionZone | TRUE | |
FollowerRescueCooldown | 1800 | |
DamageCooldownBeforeRescue | 900 | |
AllowedTimeUndermesh | 300 | |
AllowedDistanceUndermeshSquared | 90000 | |
VocalVisibilityDurationInMinutes | 3 | |
RestrictPVPBuildingDamageTime | TRUE | |
PVPBuildingDamageTimeWeekdayStart | 500 | |
PVPBuildingDamageTimeWeekdayEnd | 501 | |
PVPBuildingDamageTimeWeekendStart | 800 | |
PVPBuildingDamageTimeWeekendEnd | 2359 | |
RestrictAvatarSummoningTime | TRUE | |
AvatarSummoningTimeWeekdayStart | 500 | |
AvatarSummoningTimeWeekdayEnd | 501 | |
AvatarSummoningTimeWeekendStart | 500 | |
AvatarSummoningTimeWeekendEnd | 501 | |
EnablePurge | TRUE | |
AllowBuilding | FALSE | |
PurgeLevel | 8 | |
PurgePreparationTime | 15 | |
PurgeDelay | 2 | |
PurgeDuration | 45 | |
MinPurgeOnlinePlayers | 4 | |
ClanScoreUpdateFrequency | 10 | |
ClanPurgeTrigger | 2800000 | |
PurgeRestrictionWeekdayEnd | 2200 | |
PurgeRestrictionWeekdayStart | 1400 | |
PurgeRestrictionWeekendEnd | 1800 | |
PurgeRestrictionWeekendStart | 1400 | |
RestrictPurgeTime | TRUE | |
PurgeTimeWeekdayEnd | 2200 | |
PurgeTimeWeekdayStart | 1400 | |
PurgeTimeWeekendEnd | 1800 | |
PurgeTimeWeekendStart | 1400 | |
KickAFKPercentage | 80 |