Things to know about PS4 Server Rental

Just wanted people who may rent a G-portal Server these things that aren’t clear from either Funcom or G-Portal side. (as of 4-24-2019) edit date 4-24-2019.
Wanted to change some things based on more info on why PS4 has limited control.

  1. Cannot access DB like on PC. G-Portal response is it is a Sony decision, due to a way they store our online ID’s. It is a unique code not seen in front end menus. So makes sense now.
  2. To black list on G-Portal side,there is a work around. If you have banned one person while in game, it will create a blacklist.txt file in configs. There, you can type in the PSN name for anyone. But there always has to be at least 1 blacklisted person for it to work. Once you enter names, stop server and restart. They will now be banned.
  3. Ghost Mode is broken, but should be fixed next patch (Reply received from @Ignasi on that)
  4. Cannot Demolish Place-ables or Doors. Only Building Structures (foundations, walls, etc.). To rid those parts, you must blow them up or god them.
  5. Cannot delete thralls or Pets. Must manually kill all them or they can refresh the log timer as much as they want. Suggest Jhebal or Set to quicken the pace on that one.
  6. Gods do little damage to place-ables, but 2 or three can take out a massive chunk of buildings.

These are important for people wanting to have open to the public servers. As administration without these 3 tools makes it a 2nd job to monitor. greifers/trolls/exploiters/dupers. Actually, dupers are now 100% gut feeling of an admin.

My suggestion is to just rent a server for you and your friends.For those that don’t want to deal with official servers–where trollish and cheating behavior is the norm–have only one option. Quit. Because Admin like me are going to burn out hunting our servers for cheaters, exploiters and griefers or have to lock them password wise (which still can be given out to others without our knowledge).


@WhatMightHaveBeen I wiped my server last week. In the new notes told them I have a full time job and the server was not going to be second. Locked it invited newbies and regulars. Have you had problems finding your server at times?

not too much. It has occurred. Messaged a couple of times during the week.

Yeah, hate going ultra private, but official trolls know no limits. Especially when they get wiped off of officials, then they need to grief privates.

i feel sorry for all the admins of private servers after the influx of f2p players,
they come on a server with no intention of staying, puke out a huge sandstone box
craft a hundred pets, run around naked hitting each other with picks and leave.
this is a daily occurence, and i know the admins on 3 different servers i play on are at their wits end.
before the addition of literally thousands of pets our servers were stable-ish.
im just saying i feel sorry for y’alls increased workload,
we don’t want to have to lock our servers or change settings from insta tame/ insta thrall
it worked fine before with people who came in and invested time. . .

Oh yeah we got swamped but we picked up some good ones. I have turned decay back on and I believe the thrall animals timer.

Ironically, the majority of the new players aren’t my problem. It’s the veteran former exploit alphas who were pushed off officials because they were out exploited that now want to ruin others fun. A majority of the new players i have experienced are green and really want to learn the actual intended game play. Kind of an eye opener tbh.

I have a system for the sand castle spamming in place, and not one of the newer players has complained when my admins and I go thru cleaning out unused starter bases, or spam sandstone and pet pens. Plus, i made taming take twice as long. I never see the reason you need to produce 24 pets every day from 1 pen. In return crafting time and thrall break time are slightly reduced.

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Edited after some great communication between myself and @Ignasi. There is discussion internally on how to give PS4 players more control as admins for servers. So it’s a start.


Edited #2 about banning through g-portal side.

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