What a year it's been, Exiles! Let’s raise a glass to 2024!

I figure turn about is fair play so

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This is a year end review.
Well, the year sucked.

That’s about as on topic as it comes.

Some have chosen to enumerate the ways in which it sucked.
Just as the op enumerated some in game stats from public servers.

The op mentioned esteem for the community and players.
Some players and community members have made their observations on that esteem.

Oh, there have been a few posts even this one thinks are so far into left field they may be somewhere between Narnia and Oz.
But really, who does have their head in the game right now?

The example set by Funcom is followed in it’s community.


Like you said, don’t be ridiculous. No one’s expecting the community managers to write code. In fact, most of us don’t hold community managers responsible for the message they are tasked with delivering. Don’t shoot the messenger and all that.

There’s a difference between shooting the messenger and giving them a reply. If I could have a direct call or a meeting with those who are actually responsible for this dumpster fire, I would do so. But I can’t, so my reply is posted here.

Just like you don’t care for my “whining”, I don’t care for your virtue signalling either, but here we are, on a public forum, where we get to post what we think and have it ignored by those who should act upon it.

Funny how that works. It’s never “legitimate criticism”, because it either isn’t the time or the place or you didn’t like how it’s phrased or something else.

As someone else said, “read the room”. Did we expect them to stay silent? I know I didn’t. In fact, I was pretty sure they were going to post something like this.

Could they have posted something better? Of course they could have, but that would require a corporation acting with a high level of integrity, and we’ve seen how rare that is.

The problem isn’t that they wrote a post at all, or that the post included things to celebrate. The problem is that the tone is akin to a politician making a callous, inappropriate remark after a mass shooting, just like your tone is akin to a politician saying “let’s not politicize a tragedy”.

Eff that noise.

What they could have written was a more thoughtful reflection of the year, going into things that went well and celebrating them, and into things that went wrong and talking about why they went wrong and how they could improve.

But we all know that instead of that, we can expect only empty words. And why not? Not only are they still making money, which is the only thing the suits care about, but they also have stalwart defenders to chastise everyone else for daring to criticize their tone-deaf communication.



Hello pot, meet kettle!

No, they are not. It is something that only began recently. This is not something that has been going on since 2017. Stop pretending.

Did anyone in this thread ask for that?

NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN THIS THREAD EVEN SUGGESTED SUCH A MORONIC THING! Rather they suggested that the community members actually ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY ABOUT THE BUGS AND ISSUES instead of ignoring the community entirely and leaving them out in the cold, only to then come here and post this piece of PR garbage. So @Tephra, PLEASE DON’T BE RIDICULOUS.

If you really want a lesson on what whining is, take a good long read at your own post. THAT is exactly the definition of what whining is. :wink:




when i read the letter, it sounds like they are talking about a very different game.

if you see people complaining, is because there are grounds for it, and funcom has failed to address those concerns for months. so you want people to celebrate that BS letter they posted?

NOW PLEASE COME BACK to planet earth>


This was the post that I wanted to make. I swear I am trying to turn over a new leaf, and focus on the positive. But the actions (and largely inaction) and communications (and lack) continue to frustrate me and derail my best intentions.

The stats I was hoping that Funcom could also capture:

  • The number of times thralls have fallen through blocks: (easily 10s of millions)

  • The number of times players have been hitched to the floor / rubberbanding upon login: (millions)

  • The number of bracelet pulls performed specifically for correcting a bugged situation: (millions)

  • The number of thralls that have gathered at 0,0,0 AFTER the applied hotfix: (tens of millions)

  • The number of thralls being KO’d or dragged when they have fallen through the world: (tens of thousands)

  • The number of official servers that are safe from hackers and exploits: (zero)

  • The number of player community questions answered in 2024 Livestreams: (zero)

  • The number of ad-hoc Livestreams scheduled to talk to the players about problems with the release: (zero)

@den @AndyB

Get out here and talk to us. We know it’s not been peachy and roses on your end. But you would earn a ton of credibility if you would come out and talk with us.


I raise a glass on this one
Drive safe and come back healthy and strong. Best wishes for you and your beloved ones.
Happy holidays!


El Scorpio is ready!


What’s the difference between making a legitimate end of year statement that acknowledges the deeply screwed up state of the game and corporate fluff pretending everything is peachy?

What’s the difference between disagreeing with people’s responses to such corporate puffery and desperate white-knighting despite knowing full well that the game is in a truly screwed up state?

What’s the difference between presenting an actual meaningful defence and just having your head rammed as far up someone’s orifice as it possibly can be?

The CMs pretending that these stats have the faintest meaning, when they can’t even be bothered to acknowledge that entire swaths of the playerbase can’t play at all for months on end, is not just insulting it is downright antagonistic. It honestly appears that they want the playerbase to dislike the company as much as possible.

The reason so many of us are angry and disgusted is because a game we loved has been turned into an absolute mess and the company and its reps refuse to even properly acknowledge that, instead focusing on ‘everything is great’ bullsh*t posts.

All that the majority of us want is for the game we loved to actually be worth playing again (those that even could get the game to function currently). But you, and they, won’t even read this far into a post that dares to criticise Funcom, let alone meaningfully address issues raised. You’d rather just dismiss and deflct with mindless accusations of ‘whining’, while the company continues its ostrich policy of pretending not to see the problems. You and they are among the biggest problems this game has - and eventually you will finally succeed in your aim - we will finally shut up and leave, exhausted by the continuously pointless fight to save a game we cared about - and then there will be no game at all, because the playerbase will be too small to possibly sustain it.


One does not necessarily exclude the other :thinking: Maybe this was simply the post about statistics and telemetry and not the serious one reflecting on the issues of the year :man_shrugging: One can only hope.

As for this… I really think you should not have included this one as it feels out of place and frankly… kind of annoying to read as a modder. Why? because this is the first time they even referred to us as content creators and included us in these list… it took a while to get here… so that’s at least something.
Furthermore the complaint regarding the outdated mods you mentioned has no merit, since most of those work perfectly fine and need no updates.
While I agree there probably wasn’t a super long time spent on selecting them, I’m happy that modders got a mention this time around.

But anyway, that part is offtopic.


Fair enough. As it goes - the key mod from the entire list that was one I was using was completely screwed up by the release of Living Settlements and hasn’t been fixed - not only destroying that particular game save, but also removing any meaningful chance of me actually having a ‘living settlement’ - so I wanted to highlight the complete lack of work that went into compiling that list. The criticism (as many of my criticisms over the past few months have been) was aimed at the lack of effort made in any area by the ‘community team’. I too am glad to see modders finally getting their due.

I’ll believe it when I see it. My expectation is that they will return to SOP radio silence until the next update announcement. And I very much doubt that update will a) finish any of the unfinished features, b) fix a significant proportion of the the issues broken by the past few updates, or c) represent any meaningful improvement in communication.

Either way - that was a rhetorical device aimed squarely at Tephra’s bootlicking dismissal of legitimate desire for something more than a tone-deaf pile of misrepresentative statistics (‘lies, damn lies and statistics’).


Was that always the case or was there a break in recognition at one point?
This one recalls a Devstream from, what in modern Internet jargon would be, antiquity that noted several mods that fulfilled frequently requested QoL changes. This one snarled and gnashed teeth as that also came in a Devstream where one person present claimed to play on console.
But then again, that is only mentioning that such a thing exists, not directly calling out by name and content created.
Come to think of it, most of the most showcases were made by the video creators, weren’t they?

This one will post this possibly tangential bit as a rumination.
While this one still will not touch lip to a serum dedicated to this year in Conan Exiles…
This one will fill a side snifter of brandy for those who have taken it upon themselves to spruce up the game. Even if this one cannot enjoy the fruit of those labours, what this one has seen of them seem worthy endeavors. And those who labour or laboured to make a thing the care about better should not be collateral in a more targeted expression of displeasure.
Fresh pressed apple cider (in the soft variety, Europeans may consider it cloudy apple juice) available upon request for those who don’t care for as much fire in their water.

No, there was a “golden age” for it at one point, years ago when CE was still fairly new. The developers at the time constantly engaged with modders and even had plans for various co-operative projects with them like having options of monetizing certain works or just buying it off the modders to include in the game in some form etc.

These plans were never realized ofc and over the years (especially recent ones after the mtx shop opened) modders kind of got pushed in the background. Creator programs have been opened since then for youtubers etc. and we were usually left with late devkit updates and only promises :stuck_out_tongue: Obviously it’s still awesome that they bothered to ship the devkits whether late or otherwise, but it did put a dent in the enthusiasm of some.

Lately it was mainly down to Dennis occasionally reminiscing on devstreams about that one time back in like 2018-19 or so when modders kept the lights on for a bit and Nicole throwing together an end of year few minute showcase youtube with third party footage of a couple of mods from the steam popularity charts. - otherwise we haven’t had any more communication in the modding discord either than players here on the forums.
Though including us in this article does bring some hope, maybe next year they’ll get back on track and even start working on some of the requests we made over the course of this year.

We did have our little separate mod showcase video the past few years, it was just an end of year thing, probably still going to happen this year too, we’ll see :slight_smile:


Anyway, before everyone picks the pitch-forks back up, let me use this short window to wish everybody happy holidays. :slight_smile:
:christmas_tree: :gift: :santa:

And by everybody, I mean everybody, including all of you here on the forums as well as all of the Funcom staff.



Firstly, I have a low and suspicious mind.

Secondly, I look at this letter as a capitulation. The production team doesn’t know how to fix their product so will not track known bugs and will never give us an update.

I view the current state as a outgrowth of their Turtles Crash Servers and Client response. Almost no communication, a promise of a solution and full disclosure, followed by 100% silence.

I’m tired. I’ll play the game until they remove the last bit of joy from it, but I have zero hope that this team will give us anything positive.


It would have been a lot better to not say a thing…

That pr is jusr a wasted opportunity.

Tbh , what funcom did with it is to make fun of people inteeligence it is an outright insult to everyone waiting a response to many of the issues reported. …They do know of the issues yet they say nothing… that alone is quite revealing.

I do believe we should bring this issues to dune spaces, if done in numbers it is the right pressure for then to act…

They need to feel their revenue could be on the line… otherwise i do not expect a change in the way they are behaving

You know this, I know this, a bunch of others do too. But now with this letter, Funcom exposes that they can track relatively granular interactions.

The Devs actually could track the number of thralls that get knocked out yet fall beneath the textures. They could track it but they don’t, and that’s the underlying, growing message I’m hearing on Social Media and YT. If they can see that, why aren’t they working on it?

I told you I stopped submitting Bug Reports when they gave me the old “slap and tickle.” Thralls have fallen under textures for four years now, yet you actually want me to film, upload and submit evidence? Tone deaf in every sense of the word. I’ll be delighted when 2024 is in the books.

In my opinion, some cynical person in Marketing actually admitted, prior to release, they expected this letter to generate negative buzz. Maybe even bring some Creators back to complain about it. It’s all just too out of touch. Happy Christmas.


Geebus. You are probably right.

Pardon me while I draft a DM to @Caroll to apologize for all of the negativity in this thread. :cry: