What are the top 3 enemies you don't like to mess with?

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I really need to implement more with the sorcery. So far i like to fight with sorcery gear and don’t use a lot the spells. Last week i managed a challenge to start new character and gain all the sorcery recipes without using weapons at all, only what sorcery provides.
I have to think a role play story and do it.


No, she is in a custom made map, Savage Wilds.
She is the queen of a newly added faction, the hyperboreans, in the snow area. They have a lot of health and hit HARD. But Louhi (that’s her name) in even more buffed, a three skull boss.

Not only that, but now they are also exploding themselves))) At least some of them.

Offline raiders


Is that the guy in the wine cellar? I think he does reverberating AOE attacks, rings you have to jump over, crazy boss. My friend died, somehow I survived with almost no HP.

Rubberbanding is the true boss



That’s thing is just broken. They must have messed up his attack routine, as he only does his “special” attack after a while.

Werewolves, the Aurochs and the Arena Champion can be hard if you don’t know how to counter their attack pattern, but once you know it, they’re not difficult. Only Rockslide has to be cheesed by geometry, horses or ranged attacks.

Rockslide, Corrupted Wolf, Arena Champion

Arena champion and rockslide since the reward doesn’t match the effort to kill either.

the forgotten Tribe at mounds. I don’t know why it is but I always …ALWAYS forget the power of the mob when in there and get ganked by like 7 of them stunlocking me.


I notice nobody said Siptah’s The Judge

Too easy to cheese kill is why.

Basically yeah.
He’s essentially a stat clone of arena champion but instead of a legendary mace he has a crappy spear so he doesn’t do near the damage AC does.
He’s never really been on the same level as her.

You can drop the Arena Champion with virtually no effort using War Party and a couple of reasonably geared fighter thralls with 1H maces and decent food. Just for fun, timed how long it took Dalinsia and a Berserker with no help from me; about 20 seconds, neither of them went below 80% health. AC probably spent 90% of her time knocked down on the ground and fully sundered.

Funniest AC kill I’ve ever seen was a streamer (Annabriella) kill her solo using only a leg. Took her a while, but she got it done.


A leg is a hammer, good choice! Especially now that hammer lights are serious combo breakers.

Rolling thrust, tulwar and shield, put him to bed like a baby!
The greatest problem with this boss in exile lands is the uneven ground. If this boss was in a wider place more flat probably he wouldn’t be that famous.
@SpherisCore exhibit his reflex on this particular boss attacks. Of course before this update, but the last time i met him (rockslide), he was pretty the same as always. In a couple of days i will meet him again with shield and javelin, wish me luck :wink:.

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I hate the stunlocking, no armour can prevent it, even weak mobs can become deadly when they surround and stunlock (as I found out in a tier 1 purge! with the new raid system)

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