What happen with new dogs

2 month and still not appear in the bazaar, same for the new Set stuff or turanian market decorations


The Guard Dog reappeared on the 17/12/24. The Nemedian Guard Dog set, that had the Guard Dog and the Undead one in it was last in the Bazaar 13/07/2024 for 1,770 CC and, for me, discounted ats 1,239 CCoins for the set.
The Bazaar items rotate eventually. It is not ideal, but should eventually arrive back, hopefully soon.

I have both Guard and the other, i want the new dogs

The corinthian one

Never seen one of those in the Bazaar. Maybe someone else in here can remember where they saw it?

I seem to remember seeing this out of the BattlePass, and a search via Conan Exiles Wiki appears to agree.

The recipe for it is/was:
1 pet Wolf Wolf_(Variant_A) plus 1 pet food Sorcerous Pet Food
= Corinthian Herding Dog (Pet)

BUT, I have Admin checked my recipes and only have the Zingaran Guard Dog.

Thats why im saying it didnt appear yet, i watch bazaar every day and they didnt come with any of the bazaar rotation, they are from the last season, and they never shown for purchase.