What happends to clan base if last man in clan leaves?

I created a clan with my friend when we started playing but he quit the first day. I have been playing as the only man in that clan the whole game. Now i want to join another clan but not sure if i will keep the base when i leave the clan because i get a warning when i try to leave that says everything will get lost. Does anyone know what will happen to the base and if it is safe for me to leave and still keep the base?

You need to be the clanleader , then kick every other members from the clan , then the building will go to you after leaving the clan . /!\ Warning /!\ : this do not work if you are not the clanleader , but still the last one of the clan ( as the clanleader can leave the clan without leader / or sometimes the transfer of leadership doesn’t work or revert after restart )

Okey yeah i am the onlyone in the clan and clan leader. Then its safe even with warning?

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Buildings goes to player who last left clan.

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