What happened to the Maelstrom?

I just returned to Conan Exiles after about a 2 year hiatus. I saw that Isle of Siptah was on sale and thought what the heck, may as well buy it and give Conan another go.

Firstly, I really like the layout of Siptah. The Elder Vaults all seem the same with the only differences being the enemy NPCs. Recources seem more scarce than in the Exiled Lands, but there is more loot on dead enemies.

But my main concern is that I was under the impression that building in the Maelstrom was not a good idea and one would lose any structures inside the storm. The forst server I decided to play on was a PVE-C official server in which a clan was able to build a foundation wall with spikes around the entirety of the tower of Siptah, making it impossible to get to the tower.

So my question is this: What happened? Why are clans able to build in the maelstrom? In the description of the game it says something to the effect of clans fighting for control of the most desirable resources. But what the heck? Funcom is encouraging clans to take sole control of the only place to turn in fragments of power for recipes? Does anyone know if the Playstation Network has a return policy like Steam regarding software purchaeses?

Building both inside and on the edge of the storm has almost always been a great place for strong solo players or clans to build. I think maybe the first bit (before they added the southern islands) it might have been different.

Many (most) of the more serious players I play with or know, all have wheels and towers inside the storm area.

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When Isle of Siptah was in its early access period, it became clear that the original intent of the map (being a more hardcore focus on PvP with the means to facilitate contact between players) was not working out as intended due to it being extremely grindy and in many cases simply not fun. So they ended up changing a lot of the map to better fit how people normally play which meant:

  • They removed maelstrom damage to buildings, so players can build in them. I believe it still gets attacked by the maelstrom monsters though if they spawn near enough.
  • They put NPC camps in the game so players weren’t forced to grind ??? essence for leyshrines in order to get good thralls.
  • Added the two southern islands with more content for PvE

That being said what the clan your describing is doing is a clear violation of the ToS so what you can do is report them via Zendesk and they should get their entire build deleted and all of their stuff that wasn’t on their body removed.

As for the map itself its still IMO a downgrade in terms of content/fun but the items and gear you can get in that map are the best in the entire game and any hardcore PvP players will always start on Siptah to get the gear as its very much OP. Some can even argue for PvP official that Siptah is pay to win cause of how strong the gear is.


I noticed that Siptah is pay to win also. Especially since you can gear up in Siptah then transfer back to Exiled Lands. Why was the maelstrom seige and wind damage disabled? There is plenty of space to build outside the maelstrom area.

To respond to your suggestion of reporting the clan: I have tried to use the Zendesk report system a couple years ago before I took a break for a similar reason in the Exiled Lands. I received a response about 3 weeks after I submitted the ticket with an email saying something to the effect that they were sorry for the delayed response and they hope the issue resolved itself in the wait time…it didn’t.

I was hoping that the Isle of Siptah and the maelstrom would fix the problems with the foundation spam that the Exiled Lands had/has.

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People complained. A lot.

That said, it can still be enabled on a private server via server settings.


As an additional option for servers Building during the Maelstrom while within it’s borders or close to it can also be disabled, much like building during the Purge.

Completely encircling the tower is just egregiously obnoxious.
They have to have walled off the Accursed Citadel as well, if this one’s memory of no build zones is accurate.


I would still make a report, even if you don’t plan on playing on that server anymore. Its the only thing you can do in this situation besides quitting and even if their response time is slow it could still get resolved, whereas if they never know about it at all there’s no hope. I made a similar report a few weeks ago because someone was foundation spamming for like an entire map square on a PvE official and they got back to me the next day asking for more info and then like 3 days later saying the issue was resolved on its own, so clearly they at least went there to check, and it turns out the stuff had just decayed.

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I always enable storm damage on my servers.


Luckily its only gimped on officials. The inclusion as an option for privates gives those of us who like the intended experience to have it.

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It’s a pity there are all those camps all around now. It was VERY challenging to get some Thralls in this rich and lonely place. I loved Wild Surges when they came in 3 waves - not impossible for single player as leyshrines but still hard.


I greatly miss the wild surges and wish they were an option retained even if it was only enabled on private servers.

It was a nice mechanic, IMO.


this ^

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