Good day exiles! Hello Fun Com! I would like to suggest making the Bench Orb of Nergal available to change the looks of thralls. Then I could have a tribe of for instance vampires, white skin and red eyes and hair. And have a very good looking bodyguard as well!
It would be fun to remake an old character as a thrall for a new play through
Would be fun, boosting t4 dancers.
I can, with this:
Emberlight also has a station for that, IIRC.
And Fashionist has the thrall outfitter station.
But IQOL is probably the best one for general deployable thralls.
I can change the look of certain thralls to an extent in singleplayer. Admin summon in 50 copies of say, Dances-With-Bears, deploy all of them at once and then find the most desirable and break bond with the other 49.
I have a ps4. So mod solutions will not work. And I think that summoning 50 thralls…… that’s exhausting!!
I would make Barnes of Asura look, y’know, like me. Instead of cave monster.
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