What? Mandela effect

I asked on the Conan discord I’m on so it may not be the mandela effect and some update that no one has made note of, but didn’t public server used to be 2 letters except Asia?

Senior moment or stealth change?

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Oh, I think its always been like that in the drop down. But the listing might be different?

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Why is it a problem Asian servers to be on the list?

Not at all an issue. It just caught me as odd they would change the 2 letter designation to country names.


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Wait. I think the only change they made was NA to merica, :man_facepalming:

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Maybe it’s because Mexico although it’s NA it’s concluded to LATAM so the reference NA was not correct if Mexico is in LATAM. America concludes US and Canada only if i am not mistaken.

It’s North America, which is from the Panama canal to the north pole.

Note the east cost server in right there, LATAM is thousands of miles south.

It’s not Geographic, it’s language! Mexico prefers to play with people who speak more Spanish.
And before you indicate me brother how many million players US has that speaks Spanish, i believe i know more or less even if i don’t live there.
Plus Central America again prefers more to play with South America than North, it’s the language thing.
Do you know how many Canadians run French Playstation servers?

I woulds assume quite a few. And yes there are millions of US that speak spanish.

Is it spanish though? I mean Americans claim they speak English but it’s a conglomerate language with more then just English to it.
But, Brazil is the largest of the south American countries and it’s native language is Portuguese. so…

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Spanish, Portuguese is Latin dance, they prefer Tango, or salsa than breakdance :laughing:.

I don’t know if it’s because of the music or movies, but it’s easier to understand an American speaking English than the English man in times :laughing:

The names are weird. The famous geographical knowledge of `Murricans in action?

  • “America” should be Northern America if we also have Latin America.
  • Latin America, in turn, should be South/Central America.
  • The “EU” as in European Union isn’t identical to Europe.
  • If there’s an “Asia”, it’s weird to have Japan, being part of Asia, as a separate region, and the only nation state at that. Should be “Asia except Japan” or something like that.

Ya know, there was supposedly a time way back in history that we all spoke one language. (Something to do with Babylon).
But as to what that common tongue was … we might never truly know.

Is that some rookie attempt to segregate us?
Or did someone miserably fail in geography.


There is stacks of evidence that prove, at no time in history, did we ever share a language do to geographic isolation.

It’s not so much a language as geographic labeling thing. I almost think it should be by language. But it’s about connectivity, ping.

Now let me rub you the wrong way. The reason for the name change was because people were
1: Not bright enough to know NA meant “merica”.
2: Some people took offense Canada was included when the 2 servers are obviously only in the USA. Canada can get their own Conan server, right?
3: They felt changing it to America would make Americans more comfortable playing on them.

And the rest is a smoke screen.

Now, if I had the brians I could have learned German from my grand mother. Or french Canadian from my grand father; it’s like American english and Mexican spanish. So I could play on 3 different EU servers but which one is in what language?

I think there might just be some misremembering happening. Did a quick Google search and as far back as 2020 I’m seeing screenshots exactly as it shows now.

Could be. Maybe be used to seeing it in the forums as NA.

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It was changed by an American “president” in a recent decree. Everything has now to be named “of America”, “America”, or “American”. For example, our Mexican S&F servers now need to be called “Mexico of American”.

Make Puerto rico the 51st state.

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