What seems to be the problem Funcom?

Ok, first of all, we welcome input and constructive feedback, if we can have a conversation about what you are frustrated with without accusations and hyperbole. There is a whole lot of hyperbole in this thread so please keep that in mind or we can’t get the details to actually help you.

Which platform are you referring to? Are you playing single player? Online? Privat or official server?
What do you mean by stutters like hell? All the time? During combat? When you are close to a certain area?
What is your hardware and internet connection like?
What you describe as not rendering is what we call the AI LOD and it’s very common in online multiplayer games to help with performance. We posted more info on this here

Also, while this might be frustrating to hear but not everyone has the same issues that you experience. That also makes it quite tricky for us to address without more detail and information.

What Customer Support are you referring to please? The email support? Who is refusing to answer emails?
Which person did you email to?

Also “they could give a toss, entire community’s driven away with zero care given” is horrible to hear but I don’t agree with the zero care given sentiment.

We are already working with external partners, like most companies do.

This is completely wrong both for us specifically and also for the fact that it’s very common practice in the industry :slight_smile: