What should I do when I encounter some players occupying land maliciously?

On the server named “official server #1327 PVE - g-portal. Com”, some players maliciously occupied the land, resulting in many novice players having no suitable land to build houses. I want to upload some game screenshots, but my forum account was just created, so I can’t upload screenshots.

You can upload those screenshots here: https://funcom.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Thank you.

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First off, allow me to welcome you to the forums. I hope you find it helpful and welcoming as do I. Try to involve yourself in other discussions and before you know it you’ll have upload status granted to you. :slight_smile:

You state that ‘some players maliciously occupied the land’. It would be interesting to see what you mean by this as I have encountered several instances where I think that certain foundation placements are there purely to stop people from building, and that’s on official PvE / PvE (c) servers where buildings can not be damaged!!! But when I have mentioned it to the people involved during in game chats I am laughed at and rebuked by all. To say that I am confused as to what is allowed and isn’t would be a slight under exagerated statement.

I personally believe it would be nice for Funcom to publish ‘guidelines’ as to what is acceptable and isn’t, with the final decision to build still down to the player knowing that if they go too far against the grain they may face bans / suspension.

Too much landclaim is like pronography; hard to define but you know it when you see it.

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Yeah I actually remember when I started playing and joined an official PVE server and quickly rented one from gportal on ps4. Noob river was littered at the time with ymir altars. Just everywhere. And there was this giant hollow open topped box that was dominating the river but you could easily walk into it and it contained nothing of value. When I went to pc I immediately bought some dedi servers to avoid the officials. FC does what they can but they are always going to be in a reactive position to bad actors. I think that’s fine tho; I dont think its a good idea to tinker with the game mechanics too much to address issues of one environment.

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