Thank you, honestly, you surprised me. I do not remember past precedents, but I always thought that the statistics of any item or NPC is taken from data tables that are the same for the entire game. But if this is not the case, then it really makes sense to make more, for example, obsidian weapons, which are now the most powerful of the crafting ones.
Okay, well, levelled thralls, will they also retain their current statistics?
Anyone know if all existing thralls lose HP, or does this only apply to new thralls you place down? I can’t even remember how they did it past times
Cant confirm, but existing thralls should change as well. The way they are set up, they draw off of .db tables, so stats can change.
something unmentioned:
- build a treasure chamber
There is any info about Mad Prophet gear after caravans gone?
There doesn’t appear any way to get the Mad Prophet armor. Buy it now if you want it.
Definitely this. I do respect people who love lvl 60 and collecting things from day one. But nothing compares the thrill of a new beginning, when all the fights are on the edge. About a week ago me, my son and Kyle started playing on a new server. The fun and the laughter we had the first three days was something else. Especially when all of us not more than lvl 30 faced the white tiger, Kyle was “naming me at the whole battle” you crazy son beep, beep, beep, beep . Now after a week of course everything is done . So i will definitely start over.
@OlSkunGun thank you for your advices and Ofcurce @Wak4863 for his beautiful videos. His community rocks it’s amazing.
For the ones that will miss these advices, i believe the oil recipes will be there after the update and the volcano has lots of obsidian nodes. Maybe this update will push people to search more the volcano for obsidian nodes and burn their feet in lava why not. It’s way long that we don’t die wen we touch lava, and like pink says…
“just because it burns doesn’t mean your gonna die, you gotta get up and try”!
Have fun anyway you wish exiles!
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