Whatcha think of this build?

Without having a PS4 myself to check. Its possible the folder may already exist. If its a direct port, it wouldn’t surprise me if the file structure is the same as PC. That means all you need is to drop the files in there, with a modlist.txt telling the game to use the mods (basically just a list of their file names since we’re not using workshop)

On the server side it’d be easy since its just FTP, the server doesn’t run on a playstation at all.

As for breaking Sony TOS, well… they wouldn’t really know what’s going on since its all localized to the game itself. And since its not an official server we’re talking about, Funcom has no stake in it either.


noice! 8D

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There no folder, its just the game installed with stuff hidden. You can’t grab files and move them. The USB/External inner working wont let you move files and stuff like that.
Something as simpke as UNI file which is how PC user can toggle simple settings, Is part of Save file on console side as Setting save file (which requires save editors (which can get you in trouble)
Breaking Firmwire will basically flag your console if done wrong (or brick it) , or prevent you from using there updates. Whichs means the custom firmware will be coming from modders.

Sadly, There no real confirmed cases of it being cracked.

I have a few modded consoles, ya, you pretty much need to remove official updates and firmware for your own. Wii wasnt to bad, just needed a SD card and homebrew. Xbox was actually neat back in day,

Sadly, I updated my PSP, havnt been able find a decent way roll it back… harder find now…hate brick mine. (same for switch, as there some nice Zelda BOW mods)

Great risk in doing so. =/

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