Yeah… I think the idea is that we’re trying to level thralls. The loot isn’t worth it and some of the same stuff like swirling chaos can be farmed elsewhere without the same risks. Therefore, the only REAL reason to kill it is for xp for your thralls. If you can’t get that because of a coding issue, it’s not worth anyone’s time or effort. That’s why I don’t kill the snake or green dragon or scorpion king in the unnamed city on EL. They offer no purpose and they’re a bit out of the way from the circles I would run for both loot AND xp. Funcom needs to balance for enjoyment AND purpose, otherwise it’s a waste of space.
i kill it with gremlin sigil to get 3 shinny ??? essences that gives 100 points each.
sometimes he has 1 shinny ??? essence in inventory. that means 400 points for an surge
its why it’s an essential ressource on siptah, and the bug created by the kurak dungeon of conan exiles (where the behavior is ok) on siptah map is a major problem (because siptah is not a dungeon, and there the bloodmoon has another function), what need to be corrected has already been found by xevyr in another post Bug Blood Moon Beast - #27 by Xevyr, so no idea of why not acknowledge for a report received by funcom.
do all people have to lost their thralls and horse each time they discover the fractured citadel on siptah and discover the bloodmoon ? or when they go to bassin to unlock recipe and make spawn blood moon ? funcom seriously…
Funcom should say outloud IF it’s intentional or it’s a bug, that’s all. If it’s a bug then we’ll wait patiently for the next hotfix. If it’s intentional then I’ll dismantle Blood Moon Beast figurine.
I read through posts below (this one that I replied to) and see that you missed the point that it was an unintended buff that the BMB received on Siptah. Regardless of that, I agree that a powerful attack that insta kills could be an interesting game mechanic to make Conan a little less easy mode, but in this case, it would potentially destroy existing Siptah base defenses within the storm zone. You would have to remove all perimiter pets/thralls, move them all inside your walls and only use ranged pets/thralls for defense. Personally I find ranged thralls to be pretty weak, unless you can afford to put max stacks of elite arrows on them. Even then, they still aren’t that great.
This one expects it will linger as is until the end of Season 1 Chapter 3.
This one would love to be wrong.
Oh and when we have One- ot Twoshot mechanics in PvP, game is totally fine ?!
Git gud and dodge the thing.
Actually, I am just trolling here, because exactly this happens when you bring oneshot topics to this Forums. What @Megaton238 said is correct.
yes the minimun is to have answer of funcom as community have been tagged several time on this subject.
but my understanding is, it is intentional to have the blood moon have instant kill in kurak dungeon (where blood moon is not part of this world) result of invocation, and appear when you failed to finish the dungeon before the time limit that you are allowed to exit dungeon (and all fine here)
blood moon is on siptah for may be 2 years, and is part of citadel, and is an important farming ressource, and even without the instant kill one of the toughest boss of siptah with acid effect and spawning blood sucker larva that are a pain to kill. what xevyr found is clearly a bug that appear to be very easy to fix to keep the bloodmoon as it was intended for siptah to fuffill function needed for siptah, and to allow the special function they wanted for conan exiles to have the blood moon appear as judgmenet killing boss when you failed to do in time kurak dungeon.
Except for the small caveat that neither of those PvP mechanics deal 100k damage… they’re only ever one-shots in your perfectly set up laboratory conditions and finally the majority of PvP players aren’t even affected as they’re just busy swearing at each-other and offline looting and pressing report buttons instead of having massive open-field battles in the middle of nowhere. (would be nice if that changed ofc, but nerfing bows is not going to accomplish that)
And, on top of all that, I still… half-agree with the sentiment in your previous statement, since it’s thankfully the most telegraphed attack of this boss, which can very easily be dodged… or more like… you can even walk away from it with a cane… the only danger it represents is to those unaware… and those with thralls, both of which are kinda nasty, since thralls take longer to “respawn” than a player If you were unaware and got caught off-guard
The only true one-shot mechanic you guys brought to the forums is the goomba stomp and as you saw I was actively fighting for a solution to that and did everything I could… even developed said solution locally as a demo… tagged the whole Funcom staff group…
Why would you even have to have a mandatory death event in a dungeon in the first place? Is it supposed to simulate player’s defeat and victory for Kurak (completion of the summoning ritual) as an alternative outcome? But none of the other dungeons had that story telling way - simply because CE world doesn’t change regardless of whether player kills the last boss or not. It looks like they put this gimmick “finger of death” to simply stop players from being able to infinitely farm golem parts and ichor from endless mob waves. If I remember right a similar problem have already occurred when Dagon dungeon was first introduced. There is a boss there also spawning infinite mobs, which, when skinned, gave demon blood (or dagon scales, I don’t remember) - but this can be changed simply by adjusting mob killing exp and loot drop tables.
well that is an open discussion, honestly i personnaly have no problem for the behavior of blood moon on conan exiles and the kurak dungeon as i found the timer more than enough to finish the dungeon before it appears. i had only bloodmoon appear the first time where i did the dungeon, where i was alone, without thrall and with a medium armor and no weapons that do great damage to golem.
for dagon, i think it was the larva, same larva that drop the moonblood, the blood sucker larva. at this time it was possible to pick up those larva, and they were sandreaper pet larva, or infinite kill them for demon blood.
hem i imagine the guys that spent 7 days to level up their thralls and horses, with the little free time they have to play conan, and going to the bassin using their statuette, or just exploring the fractured citadel, and have their hard work annihilate by a blood moon coming from conan exiles kurak dungeon, and that’s after a 2 years normal behavior of blood moon on siptah…
otherwise bad perception of pvp most of people that play pvp server simply like the idea to defend their base and to lost all if they have not been enough smart or not enough good to fight (that 60% of pvp players); now for sure the behavior of funcom to simply ban and erase good defensive base on pvp server do not help to populate pvp server, and i cannot imagine how many players they lost doing that, knowing the real problem we have on pvp server is something really really different.
Yes, it’s not about the bow. It’s Funcom’s incompetence.
Act of Violence, Thralls, Katana, Lance, Mario Build… Just to name a few out of my head.
But, btw, I am enjoying ez PvP nowadays with bow (I am not even good at it, there are other players who are more extreme)
Someone really needs to look at what makes gameplay fun, because since 3.0 Funcom has really been hard at work making as many things as possible a waste of space. So many things that used to make exploring and fighting worthwhile are now pointless. Unique weapons and armor have been nerfed to being useless, making the areas and encounters where you get them much less interesting.
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