Where is the 2208 server PvE-C american latin?

Eu jogo no servidor 2208 PvE - C america latina desde 2020, tenho mais de 600 horas de jogo, bases, lacaios, passe de temporada e itens comprados no bazar.
O servidor 2208 esta fora do ar faz mais de 1 semana.
Qual a previsao de retorno do servidor, e se eu vou perder tudo q eu tinha no server, meus itens, as bases do clã, lacaios?
Preciso de uma posição séria da funcom diante da comunidade q ja registrou em outro post a ausencia desse mesmo servidor, no entanto responderam que o servidor iria retornar em poucas horas, mas ja fazem mais de 10 dias que o servidor esta fora do ar.
Qual a resposta correta para a sua comunidade funcom ?


I have been playing on the 2208 PvE server - Latin America since 2020, I have more than 600 hours of game time, bases, minions, season pass and items purchased at the bazaar. Server 2208 has been down for over 1 week. What is the expected return date for the server, and if I’m going to lose everything I had on the server, my items, clan bases, minions? I need a serious position from Funcom towards the community that has already noted in another post the absence of this same server, however they responded that the server would return in a few hours, but it has been more than 10 days since the server has been down. What is the correct answer for your funcom community?

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Hope you get your answers soon bro. It’s like trying to get blood from a stone, getting an answer from funcom

Really bro.

This is my second post aboute the same problem, and guess what happening with other post rsrsrs… They support community its the worst ever. But i have hope cause i dont wanna lose my bases and stuffs.
Thx bro


The server comeback today, but my character is gone, when i enter in the server, create character appeared …

Where is my character? Where is my stuffs, my bases?

More than 600 hours in the server until you take off the server for more than 10 days…

FUNCOM, when you go fix this mess?

Or you don’t take care whit your community?

I spend hours anda hours inthe server, and spend a lot of money in your game pass, DLC, bazar… to be take like an idiot for you?

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