Who is ready for Thursday?

Now we know that Thursday is release of 3.0 who is ready?


I am - got my starter build and all resources minus the blood and essences. Got some 30 tier 1 and 2 thralls to sacrifice too.

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I intend to do a fresh start when 3.0 comes, so no prep work needed other than snacks. :wink:


3 days ago i was ripped by a clan invite spam and lost everything. Today i have my first t4 bladesmith ready, 3.0 can come, i am looking forward to built a new base!


the irony of some people asking for a wipe then there are people saying they will wipe themselves if funcom won’t XD lol. I kind of want to do the same honestly

I definitely will make a fresh start. I didn’t decide though which server to play, PvP or PvE, Exiled Lands or Isle of Siptah. What do you think?


I hope I will be ready before new players rush in to find a place to live, but I won’t exactly be starting fresh since a few weeks ago I somehow lost my base to decay
 Was less than an hour late to the “hammer people”, but it is a risk that I knew about, so nothing to complain about. :grin:

I had my old base on top of a small hill behind the Warmaker Dungeon and decided to rebuild the new base there simply because I liked that hill and the location, but after having built a small temporary base, someone else started building a massive base right up to where my foundations ended a few days after having set up the small temp base(see top left on below image), this completely blocked me off from at least 2/3 of the small hill :frowning:
So I decided to see what I could do with the little space I had left, but my neighbor had expanded their city base below(see bottom right on the image) to the foot of the hill, so my half built stairs down couldn’t be completed + a huge chunk of the rest of the hill to that side was now claimed by them.
Again I didn’t want to give up, so I decided to see what I could make of the tiny space I had left, but again I ran into problems, the higher part of the rocks on the hill facing towards south west gates of Sepermeru was also claimed by the neighbors with the city(they had expanded in all possible directions).
So now I was left with only 1 direction to build in, and that was over the edge and down to the first of the oasis lakes(the one with the big island in the middle), but again I ran into problems because 2 new players had built small outposts close to each other at this lake, so in the ended up not being able to expand my base by more than a few foundations from the initial 12x15 foundations that my temp base was :flushed:

So while I do look forward to the release of 3.0, mainly the things it will bring besides sorcery which doesn’t interest me, I have so far spent 3 days getting the most needed things in place so that I could start stocking up on resources for T3 base building, and will probably be spending the days up to 1. September stocking up and try looking for a new place, and have at least the ground layout finished before people start rushing in, I really don’t want to run into the same type of problems with neighbors building right next to me before I am finished :rofl:
On the bright side
 I may end up in an area where the fps doesn’t drop dramatically when looking in a specific neighbor direction, so at least that is a positive :laughing:


Exile lands! I still have things to learn in Siptah, and obviously it would serve both reasons, but it is the safety of exile lands that will push me to this direction! The new attribute system NEEDS the midnight alchemist, and playing fresh in Siptah would create serious issues of changing my attributes since this recipe is damn rng! I want to change my attributes and test a lot. Not to mention that on exile lands probably we will have a new map to discover!
I don’t want to go single player but if I have I must! I want to learn the new map territory pure as it is.
On Siptah I will maintain a character that I have in 8006 but change finally my build location, there are so many beautiful landscapes to build but they are away from everything, now with sorcery and teleporting, I believe it’s time to finally go in a lonely place and build, away from everything!




What do you mean you have 30 tier 1 and 2 thralls to sacrifice? I thought the altar of sacrifice takes only what you have in your rope.

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We are going to be on our server learning the new system and then back to official servers with our knowledge., @stelagel you are more than welcome to join our server to learn with us and then venture out to official servers.

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well we just gotta wait

I was never ready for monday

I’ve been gathering mats myself since we’re not doing a reset, small server for TPG Gaming, but I’ll be ready.

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