Whole game crashing when entering "The Spit" Isle of Siptah


First time typing here, so what happened is that i was exploring the part where “The Spit” is … (on the map it is in southern region and has a Dock there). I got in that region, the name popped up as it revealed and at the same time my game crashes giving me this message :

Fatal error: [File:C:\B\tech_exiles\code\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Materials\MaterialShared.cpp] [Line: 1904]
Couldn’t find Shader TBasePassVSFNoLightMapPolicy for Material Resource M_human_skin_master!
With VF=FInstancedStaticMeshVertexFactory, Platform=PCD3D_SM5
ShouldCache: Mat=1, VF=1, Shader=1
MaterialUsageDesc: LightingModel=MSM_SubsurfaceProfile, BlendMode=BLEND_Opaque, SpecialEngine=0, TwoSided=0, TSNormal=1, Masked=0, Distorted=0, WritesEveryPixel=1, ModifiesMeshPosition=1, Usage={bUsedWithSkeletalMesh,bUsedWithInstancedStaticMeshes,bUsedWithClothing}


Crash in runnable thread TaskGraphThreadNP 4.

To fix this issue i have to reload the entire map while loosing all progress that i have made, could it be that mods are interfering with the map ?

Thank you.

If you have pet turtles within render range of your spawn, that is the issue.

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