Why a battle pass and not more culture dlc packs and map packs

Will Funcom make another map pack? Will there be more culture dlc packs?


I’m fairly certain they’ve said that they don’t plan on making any more culture DLCs. They’ve shifted their focus entirely to the Bazaar in terms of purchasable content (and the Battle Pass of course, but that’s just a one time purchase as long as you complete them).

As far as new maps are concerned, I’m not sure they’ve explicitly said anything one way or the other.

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Regarding new maps, all this one recalls was if they do add more map, it will not pay gated.

Regarding culture packs, this one sincerely doubts it.
There may be new build styles released in the Bazaar. Stormglass Cathedral is almost a full build set.
The Turanian expansion is almost distinct enough to be considered a separate style.
So it’s not beyound the pale that a new, full, built set will appear in the Bazaar.
New Armour skins are dropping all the time
New Weapon sets… Far less often, not at all in a completed form, but a seemingly endless parade of a sword here, a mace there, an axe in the corner. Sometimes we see a saddle, shield, or pet skin.
While this one would definitely love to see a couple more Culture packs, this one doubts it… But please feel free to make this one happily wrong. :slight_smile:

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Whilst both are doubtful, especially a new cultural pack at this point, I woul support either or both. While I still love and am passionate about Conan Exiles, I have purchased remarkably few items from the Black Lotus Bazaar. The pricing is just too rich for my blood.


The lack of interest seems to be lacking in the offerings from a gameplay stand point . Very little of the core gameplay has changed except maybe ice bridges against lollypop bases.

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