Why are archers the worst bow damage?

I agree, or have them break.

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Outside of the whole arrows thing there are other things that make archers a bit useless in comparison to giving a fighter or bearer a bow.

  1. Archers aim low, this may be because they are trying to get cripple effects on a target and so they aim for the legs, but the result is they often miss and will fire into the fence/wall/rock in front of them repeatedly. Fighters and bearers don’t do this and aim high which results in headshots and also less misses.

  2. Archers have less aggro it seems, Countless times I have noticed that a fighter with a bow will start shooting at a target the moment I aggro it or it aggros me. Archers on the other hand will often just stand there, it will sometimes take a good 5-6 attacks from the enemy before the archer will activate. Other times it just won’t aggro at all.

There are other points I was going to add but work is keeping me a bit busy, but I will say that the only archers I use now are modded archers, namely those from the AOC mod as the A.I for them seems a lot better, especially when it comes to aggro mechanics.

My advice is don’t use vanilla archers, rather get a fighter and give them a bow, works much better.

The real Title of this thread should just be why are Archers the worst type of Archers :rofl:


Yeah they could just repurpus the feeding caludroun

The arrows a thrall uses depends on it’s faction level unless you equip some to their inventory. So a Cimmerian would use starmetal or hardened iron by default, etc.

In this case the Bearer, Fighter, and Archer have all been equipped with the same bow and arrows.

Wait, is that your suggestion or did they already change the game to work that way and I just haven’t bothered with archers to notice the change?

Suggestion. They use flint right now as default.

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Since people keep talking about it, and nobody has actually brought it up:

Wasn’t the Thrall Pot situation removed because it was causing lag? With masses of thralls always pinging the food pot?

Adding an arrow pot is exactly the same situation. Archers constantly having to ping it, regardless of whether they need arrows or not.

Anyways, with the new thrall perks, maybe this will be remedied.

It seems like Bearer thralls should have perks designed towards movement and encumbrance, not fighting. They aren’t meant to be fighters, only pack mules.

Fighter thralls would then have perks designed to buff their melee weapons, while Archer thralls should get perks that buff damage from a bow.

It could be that you can select a perk for an Archer thrall where it changes the default arrow to a higher quality one. With progression so that you do something like this:

First Perk: Default becomes Iron arrows.
Second Perk: Default now becomes Steel arrows.
Third Perk: Default is now Razor arrows.

Anything stronger and you supply it yourself still.


Scroll up :wink:

I just didn’t want to keep repeating myself when people kept discussing it :wink:

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IMO it would be better to get rid of this “archer / fighter” thing altogether and convert “archer” role into a level 3 perk, giving them say +10% crit chance with bows.
But I guess we are stuck for life with this “accuracy” stat and have to wait and see how all of this “leveling” thing turnes out

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