The short answer is yes Funcom replies to people. But not to everyone. Not everyone is equal, and there is a good reason for this. Well I shouldn’t say people specifically, but rather the message. The tone, the content, or the timing of the message may cause it to be replied to or not.
Here’s a list of things they won’t reply to:
Insults. This is a no brainer. Calling them poor at their job, saying they don’t care, or using conspiracy theories to explain why they do or don’t do a thing. All this will get you no reply, and often times will get the thread deleted, locked, or unlisted. Many of the common posters in the forums are guilty of this, and I can say I’ve thrown people out of a place I’ve worked for fall less.
Wrong Location. This one is pretty common. Bug reports in the General Discussion and not the Updates and Bugs section. The developers only glance through the General area. The CM’s pick through it and point out interesting posts with ideas and suggestions for Devs to focus on. They don’t do that for bugs and exploits.
Repetitive. If its about a bug or glitch they’ve already replied to in another post, or on a livestream. They’re not going to reply about the same bug 100 times. Also if you have information about a bug, use the search feature, find the thread someone else posted, try getting the earliest one. Chances are, it has a reply, and post the new info you find about it there. That helps far more than make a dozen new posts. They bookmark the first thread they see on the bug that helps them.
Unclear. ‘Game broke, fix please’ is not helpful. They’re not going to reply to that. If you find a bug, follow the guidelines in the sticky. Find out which steps can reproduce the bug and list them. Give your computer specs, OS, and other information that might be unique to you compared to other players.
Timing. Sometimes someone beat you to the punch and made a thread first. Like stated under repetitive, you need to post your info in that thread. Or maybe they are looking into the bug already and don’t have any information to give you based on what you posted.
Like most of this response, the following wording is meant to the forum community as a whole, not directed towards the one quoted.
I know many people on these forums want a dev to sit there and go through the forums and go ‘acknowledged’ ‘looking into it’ ‘we’ll check it out’ to each and everyone of their posts. That it would make you all feel better. But they’re only human. They neither have the ability to do so nor the time. Of course that time is spent fixing bugs, adding new features, making new content for us. That isn’t even realistic.
So they’ve given us guidelines on how to report bugs and glitches, and exploits. If you follow them. You’ll likely be heard, even if not replied to. If not, you’ll be ignored. They’ve laid that standard out in black and white. You can like that, you can hate it, it doesn’t matter, its how they’ve operated for the last three years. I doubt they intend to change it. You’ll simply need to ask yourselves if that is acceptable or not.
At the end of the day, these devs play the game too. They play with mods and without. They play occasionally on official, though mostly on private (which ones, I will not say nor speculate). So they do want the game to work. They want to be able to play without glitches and bugs too. They DO care about the work they put in.