‘Bad’ is also such a subjective term, and we will not likely reach agreement on this point. One mans bad is another mans masterpiece. And when it comes to entertainment mediums, there is only perspective. But here is how I personally view the change. Is is better than no dodge at all: yes. Is it inferior to the old dodge in every conceivable way: yes. It has rendered certain playstyles either unplayable or much more restrictive, with no real benefit to accompany that. So…is it ‘bad’: sadly, yes.
No problems. I always show other peoples viewpoints courtesy and respect, even if we happen to disagree.
This was a poor choice in example (for me). I explicitly stated “and to a lesser extent the Scorpion King”. For the record I am happy yhat it has helped you to dodge the spinning tail attack more effectively. However, I found it was still possible to roll clear of the attack area using the old dodge. The problem is that now attacks such as the double claw strike are a guaranteed hit for it, as even if* you manage to dodge the first blow, the iframes expire before the second, and the dodge doesnt have the distance to get us clear of the attack.
Sorry but hard, resounding disagreement on that one. So if the dodge isnt the right tool (which it was for the last 1.5 years) then what on earth is…!? Run around the enemy in a circle to dodge instead of using the dodge to dodge? People always say ‘just use a Shield’, when they know full well that it isnt a solution. And this is coming from someone who uses the War Axe & Shield combination as their preferred loadout. The shield only guards against the players front, not back, and robs us of our movement while raised. Meaning that if we are facing multiple enemies (eg-Kinscourge in Black Keep, Thag in the Wine Cellar dungeon, inside New Asgaarth), it is inneffective. This is further hampered by a lack of knockback and fast enemy recovery after striking the shield. When we accurately dodge the first hit, but have no recourse available to dodge the multiple successive strikes, it spells doom when fighting powerful enemies such as the Kinscourge.
While I have no problem with large groups being hard or at times fatal. However, Singleplayers and online Solo players should still be able to defeat them. Something we could still do beforehand, and still derive a descent challenge from the group. But thanks to the ridiculously slow dodge recovery speeds, they just rain multiple free blows upon the player, while they finish their animation. Furthermore, its lack of distance means we can no longer get clear and regroup. This directly intersects with my next counterpoint: healing.
As I am a console player I use a controller. There is none this one click instantly consumes 3 healing items, and also maintains movement in the process. Every time we open the radial wheel and click on 1 item the radial wheel auto-closes and all movement grinds to a complete halt.we then have to repeat the process for the next 2, any hope we dont get hit (ie-the previous healing affect get interrupted) in the process. The slow, short roll animations only exasperated the issue.
For the record, I agree with your unobtainium analogy.
While feedback seems to indicate that PvE won as a result of this change, PvP, and Singleplayer and Online Solo play lost very heavily. Their very independence! Here is the thing for me. Many people have told me why they like the new dodge, but few if any can tell me why it was necessary. The answer is elementary; it wasnt.