Why do clans spam landlock for no reason

It’s comical that you’re comparing a video game to actual war tactics. That’s what’s funny. The game is about conan the barbarian, he wasn’t known for creating FOBs. He was known for his combat and ruthlessness. Keep up.

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You seem sensitive. You tell someone to go fund their own server (when you don’t even know if they do or do not already) over having an opinion of broken game mechanics in an online multiplayer game. Spamming land claim covering an entire server isn’t what funcom intended players to do on their FREE servers causing it to become empty. Thats loss of players. It definitely needs to be addressed among other game breaking issues. Pretending it’s not an issue for their player base is literally what kills games. I mean, take a look at all the empty official servers on ps4.


Ahhh… The Conan “morality”. Nice new angle. I give you an 8 for creativity but a 0 for actual impact.

Conan wasn’t known for creating FOBs or controlling territory to win a battle? I distinctly remember in the Barbarian flick of the 1980s, in the final scenes, he defeated his enemies by doing just that.

Battle of the Mounds. Looks FOB-ish to me where he defeated them by actually controlling the battlefield.

But besides that, thinking like yours really shows how so many people are constrained by conventional thinking and utterly incapable of outside the box thinking. Controlling the mobility of enemies, controlling their access to resources, etc. are ALL applicable to real warfare as well as PvP games.

Anyone that doesn’t understand that… Well… They get wrecked… And those that do understand that and use these tactics, they often are doing the wrecking…

I notice in the video there is no spam blocks of stone he built overnight. So thanks for the help on my argument.


I’ve been watching this thread.

Really what it boils down to is what your goals are.
Is your definition of PVP driving everyone off the server?

Some tactics are detrimental to keeping a healthy server population.

Quite frankly the “clear and move on” mentality is the reason so many servers are emptying.
Just because you CAN totally wipe out your opponent doesn’t mean it’s a good idea, IF you want someone to play tomorrow.

I never attack first, I never raid unless they raided me first.
If they raid me off line, then I do the same to them.
If you make me mad, you’ll wake up in the starting area sooner or later.
I’m retired I could “no life” this game if I choose.

I have been the last man standing, I have driven people off the server.
I would rather not do that, it’s more fun to have people to fight, than sit on a dead server.

Edit: I have also been driven away, because I refuse to cheat as in use exploits.
And it’s seldom possible to beat people who exploit if you are unwilling to exploit also.


Not really. In that scene, you can clearly see stone blocks and tons of palisades.

BTW would it make you feel better if attackers only placed a lot of palisades around your base? Instead of stone blocks. Would that appeal to your sensibilities?

One year ago, I argued with LostlinTim for the undermesh builds. By misunderstanding I thought that these builds was the closed buildings that the game has, I didn’t knew that the problem was referring to builds under the map :man_facepalming:, omg so noob :joy::joy::joy:. Anyway, I took a stand saying that in the war tactics there are no boundaries and using the advantages of the battle field, most of the times, great generals return victorious to their countries. More specific I use the epic fight of Leonidas of Sparta, who managed to hold with a low number of army a massive amount of Persians, only by using the ground advantages. As I told you on the beginning this conversation had a wrong base, because I didn’t knew what undermesh was actually and how wrong I was to take a stand in favor of the undermesh builds :wink:.

We play this game every day to escape from reality, it is our hobby, isn’t it? However pvp in this game can absorb you so much from the reality and make you cross lines that maybe you shouldn’t. What I mean is that win can come only with distraction, but this distraction must not croos the line because if it does we all loose. The point that players that cross the line loose, is when their greatest opponent quit and leave the server. Imagine Real Madrid without Barcelona? If a great clan remain alone in the server what is the point? That is exactly the reason why @Vahlok was right when he said that we must play as adults :wink:. We need our opponents, especially the good ones, most of all we must communicate with them and play for fun and at this time we are all winners. @SirDaveWolf upload some pvp fights the past day. His videos is a good example how pvp fights should be. In their raid the primary was to pvp not to bring the others to the ground, not at all. This pvp fights are the true meaning of this game and that is to HAVE FUN :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:.

I beg you to take no offense in my post my dear friend, I really respect everything you say and you are an exceptional member of the forum. We have no disagreement here, just an adult conversation, thank you very much for your time.
I wish you happy new year, health and prosperity and most of all more good conan days. Cheers m8


Well, it’s the moisturizer.

It keeps me pretty.

I have my own server and I find your answer completely out off topic.

Can’t expect everyone to see further than the tip of their nose a guess

That’s nice.

it is toxic to the server when you get tomany clans doing this as well… i seen it kill the ping and fps on many servers… i agree it is overkill and needs to be adress this isn’t Ark we don’t need that spamming crap here

I’m on a official server where there is huge foundation spam. It’s horrible not only for the eyes xD it also brings lag and is very toxic to make other players unable to build anywhere…

That’s one thing I can’t say about you

That’s sweet.

Wow…so tell me… where is sportsmanship in your “tactics”…sorry you are saying do whatever wins and that is, by definition, toxic. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. There is no sport or fun in doing junk like this. Just blow them up and call it a day. Its literally a waste of resources and quite frankly sloppy. You mention tactics…sorry this isn’t that. This is acting without tactics because it’s easier to do than actual battle. I just wait out these types of folks…they always leave after they push everyone away. I have yet to see any of these folks last longer than 90 days. Most end up leaving in 30 and I collect the spoils after decay.

More “blah blah blah” in a feeble attempt to assign some silly morality to battlefield tactics.

All of this reminds me of the British in the American Revolutionary War. Their idea of “legit” tactics was to have two armies fire muskets at each other. The colonists were having NONE of that and started doing things like assassinating officers, doing ambushes, targeting supply lines, etc. And the Brits had their ■■■■■ handed to them in that war because they were unwilling to adapt.

They called it “uncivilized”. People here call unconventional tactics like this “toxic”. Same thing really. People cannot deal with these sorts of tactics and so they endlessly whine about it on the forums.

In the end, all that matters is who is the winner.

Good luck on the battlefield. Sounds like you are gonna need it :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe this is the first time that I agree with what you’re saying.
But really in war everything is valid.
There is no point in arguing for “lack of sportiness” or “toxicity.”
When there is a possibility that you will lose everything you have conquered, you will surely use all the devices to win.
If you don’t use it, it will be used against you … including bugs / exploits (which at least now we can count on the report to funcom about this).

In my opinion, blocking resources is a valid war strategy. ie: sulfur lake.
Blocking good base spots too, because that way you can control the map and make it easier by having fewer points to look for the enemy.
Gigantic landclaims are also important in making it difficult to position enemy trebuchets or support bases.
Closing obelisks too. this makes it difficult for the enemy to move and farm.

  • Because they are pvp servers, as long as they do not block the initial spawn, there is always a way to farm all sorts of things and you can break all the enemy’s buildings.
    ** Even drying the sulfur lake, the sulfur under water and the caves, there are still some spots that cannot be blocked for example.

As long as this kind of thing exists in the game it is to be used and WILL be used either by you or your enemy.
People say that this is a game and should not be compared to real life … but the truth is that games imitate certain aspects of real life, because in the end we are human and we act as such.

In the Conan exiles settings you are sent as an exile for being a political enemy of thoth-amon or some of his allies
Taken to an alien place to rot or unearth secrets of an ancient civilization (acheron), you have to survive everything and when you think you’ve triumphed, thoth-amon servants launches a PURGE at you to collect everything that you conquered.
The game’s premise itself is barbaric, uncivilized and ruthless.

BTW: the game is based on the Conan settings and not on the character conan itself ***

What funcom could do to make these situations less common:

1- Add an upkeep cost to buildings, the larger the buildings, the greater the material cost to maintain it.

2- Trebuchets should be able to be positioned on top of the enemy claim (thus removing the need to create absurd landclaims, because it won’t help it anyway)

3- Places of interest (i.e.: Sulfur lake, Obelisks) should be places that are not possible to be built in. Or better yet, the construction done in these places, deteriorate rapidly, losing HP, maybe similar to the siptah storm…

4- Avatars should be more difficult to make (a base made in 2 months by a clan, falls easily in 2 days for an experienced clan).
Getting a Thrall Priest Lvl3 ~ 4 is very easy. in a few hours one can
A player alone, can farm 605 zeals in about 2 hours or even less.
Considering the 3 farm rotations: Summoning place + black hand / Asagarth + mounds / Serpermeru.
3 players can farm 3 gods in about 2 hours.

5- Another possibility would be to make the avatars damage only the external parts they are touching and not inside the entire base.

*** New players end up leaving the game quickly after they lose everything easily

This issue of morality and ethics is very complex.

These days a friend of mine decided to take “1x1” against an opponent. He used a bow against this opponent and killed him, right after the fight, the defeated guy was complaining and saying that it wasn’t really PvP and that he didn’t accept defeat and said that my friend was weak and etc etc …

On another more recent occasion, an enemy (Full 50) asked a friend of mine to go 1x1 (my friend was not Full 50 and the enemy knew it). when the 1x1 started Me and 3 other allies ganked and killed the guy . Then he was crying in the global chat saying that we had no honor.

*** BTW, This game is not about 1x1, it is about team-play. if you want 1x1, go play street fighter, mortal kombat and etc.
People tend to think that if the other uses something other than what they know / are used to facing, it is unethical.

It is a little bit hard to accept loss when someone is using brains to win than Valor.
Still if you’re not ready to loose everything this game is not for you.
If you cannot understand that knowledge is everything and not your belongings, this game is not for you.
If you play solo and wait that you are going to survive against experienced clans, you are fooling your self.

For 2 reasons I don’t play pvp anymore , the one is major and the second minor.
Minor. I hate the fact that someone can attack me before I can react. Exiting dungeons or teleporting your character spawns way before you can react, I find this wrong.
Major. my clan stop playing conan exiles. Pvp is a totally different experience, absolutely fun when you have persons to play with. Maybe you grind all the time, but you laugh a lot, the best team game I ever played :wink:.