I run a private server because I don’t enjoy spending my time amidst griefers and trolls and people that exploit the game by buiilding under mesh bases that make the game more of a chore than a fun game. I have it open to my friends because I enjoy playing games with them. Anything beyond that I don’t care about.
I made the original post as I have seemed to have the poor luck to say I can put the two types of player servers that people run (again I make the distinction that a private server is password protected for a select group and not part of this discussion) as either a server that has a RP environment that is dissimilar to the original game to a fail, and the server that is blatantly trolling random visitors.
As an example consider getting on a player server and finding out you can’t kill a rabbit. Six hits, and it’s not dead, a moment later and it’s fully healed.
The other would be Pippi admin addiction or similar … establishments and RP rules that are not part of any survival experience, unless you consider being one of the admin’s pets a requirement for survival.
The obvious choice is to play single - alone - then quit due to a player base that is quirky and trolls. The point being simply running a bad server that is open to the public is running the game into the ground. People see online play and get exactly that. But since official servers don’t risk the bugs that mods could introduce and players want mods… it is soon revealed that it’s either vanilla for online or a kingdom of trollish or power trip player servers. This is not a good picture. I don’t know where CE is heading but it seems what should be the most loyal player base of any game as in REH Conan due to it’s age and fans, may be in a coma.
I am begging admins to be reasonable with their player servers - and I do not believe the honor system is enough. For any important things like bans or building clean up, using website admin (such as working with the game database) is OP. Having a bad day and having admin powers as the very miniscule example of admin abuse is enough to ask Funcom to kill all admin priviledges in-game. For those admins loyal to the game concept of a survival game, I strongly suggest using StraysNoAdmin. A level playing field, with mods, that also protects against a cracked admin password. As a modder, this has also helped me test with more confidence as I do not cut corners when crafting or whatever I need to do per testing a mod.
Just stick with PVP official or jump on to the lfg section on this site.
Many people seem to be playing on many private servers, and many of them may be even enjoying themselves. Yes, you may have had just bad luck with the servers (or admins) you’ve encountered, but not everyone who plays on private (open or password protected) servers is an abuser of admin powers, or a victim of said abuse, or all those private servers would be running empty by now.
Frankly, I’m beginning to question your motives for this crusade against the open servers with active administration.
The only reason I could see someone pushing this hard to keep admin powers away from the people who rent servers is to be able to go on those servers and spread the very fkery he is whining about. I have been on a server now for who knows how long and other than wiping the idiots who build around the teleport areas or block res spawns or someones base, that is the only reasons those powers have been used.
I feel that a privately run server without password protection needs at least one player constantly available who can activate their Admin powers IF they need to in order to counter a random toxic player …
example: random person logs into a PvP open access private server and then makes undermesh basis and uses exploits to gain advantages… Admin needs to ban right away.
If the server does have some rules that they tell all new players and rules are ignored …
Or to counter this type of play if against the server rules: (not saying it is his case, but he certainly doesn’t come across as if he’d stop if it was)
Pretty much strive to become the alpha and treat all other tier 3 alters as threats
Not lack of administration. Good administration that does not leave the back door open in-game. Limiting ban action and other significant administration to server down time through the lease web interface, FTP access, and database editing insures that if the confidence of the security of the administration is in question it’s a significant matter than can be handled legally if necessary (website / FTP access / database corruption on a paid server without authorization - as in cracking the password and using it as server down time direct tampering) is a fairly significant offense as both the lease company and law consider this dire.
If you leave a back door open online to control and modify the game as per in-game server administration you just blew your security.
The topic is about closing the online backdoor and only using web server administration. I have personally seen how easy it is for a hacker to get the server password and play admin in-game. It’s the kind of open backdoor that makes the idea the software is secure a joke.
Good server admins will have the savvy to get what needs to be done without doing it in-game during a server down time access. And keep the open backdoor slammed shut. This now is the distinction of fooling around on someone’s server in-game without authorization and possibly being targeted by the FBI for hacking. As in the fool involved that is messing around with the lease directly or FTP directly is leaving a much more certain and obvious trail. The intent to harm is also clear when it’s raised to this level.
Good administration is not just being nice. It’s keeping the server clean and secure to a fault.
Toxic players - for a start, be sure voice is disabled at the server level. Any voice ruins immersion imo. But yeah, I’m a real hardnose and stickler when it comes to immersion and rules.
No I don’t think everyone should use StraysNoAdmin. I believe Funcom should remove the in-game admin privileges in multiplayer. The admin password is in fact in the same file as all other server settings, and in the file that is read by all clients.
If they did this no one would pay money to rent servers, The main reason to do it now is because you have the ability to stop toxic players instantly. What you want would just make it so there were never open servers. They would be all password locked to avoid anyone toxic from entering. Any open servers would be as bad as the official ones with idiots spamming foundations and blocking bosses.
I feel like you’re moving your goalposts here. First you talk about admins abusing their powers and how that creates an unfair and hostile gaming environment. Now you’re talking about admin account security. The latter is, of course, a real (potential) problem if people screw up with their security, but if this was your point all along, why talk so aggressively about “admin abuse that shames the game” and “favoritism” in the first place?
Best answer for him is, HE/SHE should rent a server, and do all the things HE/SHE suggest to other people, who use THEIR money to rent servers for THEIR personal tastes.
I’ve played on plenty of private servers and never had a problem with the admin once.
Honestly, your best bet is to look for private servers where admins are active, but don’t play. This makes it so your not a visitor in their house. There is no personal steak in it for them.
If you go official, you get under moderation, if you go private, you risk over moderation.
I host private servers, but play official, mainly because I don’t like the idea of playing within my own sandbox, and there are very few decent private servers.
I host my servers because it is free for me to do so since I am not charged for rack space, so why not give players a good option.
Unfortunately, for me, I cant consume the very service I provide for free. I get stuck on under moderated official servers plagued with unpleasant experiences.
For example, on some servers, to get someone to disagree or comment in a negative way, literally say anything. On private, people tend to behave since they know there are consequences for being a complete troll.
Kind of the same with me. PS4, i run a private, close to official PVP type server. But i don’t participate per say. I build, and do some running around to kill NPC’s. But i feel it is biased if i try to actually join in the PVP fun. I get what i need from officials when i get that urge. Have been on 1 private server, and learning lessons on what not to do. I quit because the raid times kept changing, rules for offline raiding changed, and realized the large group on there voicing for the constant changes were all friends tweaking the admin to their daily needs. Inmates should not run the asylum. Taking a temp of the overall server feel is not a bad thing, but changes should be done only if there is a glaring in-balance for the majority.
I run a private server for my friends. If I don’t know you I don’t let you in. I play on my own server. It is a PvE server though so we aren’t marauding through each other’s territory.
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