Will anyone join me?

Really thinking about renting out a brand new server today for the PS4 and I’m really interested in how many people would like to join up with me? I was hoping in doing a RP/PVP on weekends type of server. Give people the week to grind and then during the weekend to have some fun against other clans. No admin abuse will be done due to the fact that I want to enjoy the game to it’s 100% potential.

XP Rate-4x
Gather Rate-4x
Day’s Longer
Nights Shorter
Gonna put a map room at all obelisks for everyone to use.
No foundation spamming
Thrall conversion will be sped up due to bugs with stopping thrall conversion.

Come and get your spots built up as soon as you can if your willing to join.

Again only thinking of doing this and if i can get a couple people that want to play then I will go ahead and pay for it now and get it set up as soon as i get home from work.