Witch Hunt = Double Easy Mode

I’ve done a new playthrough on the Exiled Lands and Siptah to see how the Witch Hunt affects a new player.


In the Exiled Lands, the ability to buy supplies and thralls turns the game into easy mode

In Siptah, with perfected paddings dropping like hard candy from your Grandma, it removed any (non-bug related) challenge from the game.

To wit:

Barbaric + server (2.5x NPC damage)
At level 41:

  • Thousands of steel and iron bar from supplies purchases
  • Thousands of oil (pressed seeds) from supplies purchases
  • Almost zero iron harvesting
  • Dalinsia Snowhunter (Obo purchase) in constructed epic heavy armor w/legendary weapon
  • Character in constructed epic heavy armor w/legendary weapon
  • Sorcery complete
  • So many perfected paddings
  • 74 Knowledge points in reserve (I took only what was absolutely necessary, used DLC, BP, and Bazaar purchases)

Other contributing factors:

  • Killing sorcerers early game gave me rawhide bindings and iron truncheons
  • Free rawhide bindings and iron truncheons meant I took no thrall related skills until level 30
  • Knocking out sorcerers means a plethora of critical resources, early
  • Saving knowledge points due to DLC, BP, and Bazaar purchases means access to critical skills immediately upon availability to purchase

What Next?

  • Purchases should not allow me to bypass knowledge requirements.
  • Yes, the axe I can make without taking the knowledge does 2 points less than the iron axe, but I can make it at level 10 rather than 14
  • The dismantling Bench allows you to make epic armor and weapons at level 30, when you can unlock Improved Benches



Oddly enough, I have just started a new (challenge) run because of what you say above:

  • Can only use stuff I craft myself (i.e. no legendaries, no looted armor/weapons)
  • Can only loot raw materials to use in crafting (no padding, no metal bars, no alchemical base (have to make it myself)) - same goes with bearer packs, can only keep raw materials
  • Can use the sorcerer turn-ins, but only to get recipes - no items or thralls

Overall aim to to complete the dungeon delver journey. XP set to 0.5 :slight_smile:

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If only all of Conan’s problems were this easy to solve, the game would be flawless: Just don’t hunt sorcerers!

I get that it might put you at a disadvantage in PvP, for instance. But, at least on official servers, the early game PvP experience usually involves getting bombarded in sandstone the moment you join the server. Having a way to quickly gather resources is a huge help for anyone looking to dive into this mode. Typically, the clans that call themselves alphas have endless stockpiles of resources. Since Conan’s servers don’t have wipes, sorcerers just offer a way to level the playing field for newcomers.

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Yeah, my complaint isn’t that head hunting gives so many benefits, it’s that I can use items from purchases without purchasing the requisite knowledge.

Headhunting just exacerbates the issue.


Alright, my bad for misinterpreting your post. You’ve got a point there.


just play the game with maximum corruption, butt naked and with stone weapons. problem solved.

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How does that solve for me being able to create items before I unlocked the associated knowledge?

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I under you were trying to be . . . something.

But that tactic works better when your “git gud” solution actually addresses the question. It would be rather like if I asked, “What type of screw head is best for installation in public facilities” and you answered:

“Just go the bakery and have a muffin! PROBLEM SOLVED!”

Game purchases should be cosmetic in nature. When I can bypass level restrictions with purchased content, it affects the game.

If only there were a phrase for that.


No one told you to “Git Guid.”

I will be blunt, having access to hardened steel early in the game is actually healthy for servers. It means PvP players can just level quickly and get into actual PvP. PvE players can spend less time gathering and focus on building and killing monsters. RP Communities, well, we have mods and sliders. It doesn’t really affect us. If you want things to be harder, why not create a server of where you can tweak the settings to what you want and limit access to those items until a certain level.

Also, security screws are the best type of screw for public facilities and don’t you dare shit on muffins, they are delicious.

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A lot of arguments people use in forums go back and forth without an answer because the argument in itself can be used both ways.
Always you say as argument to something “there is mods”, the argument also serves the opposite postulate.
If you have mods to “prevent something”, you have mods to “do something”.
Same goes for settings, sliders, custom servers, etc.
The real argument that doesnt go both ways is:
“What is in the main game, is in the official servers, and does not require complex process to set up. What isnt, does.”

I myself see this in my own “aspirations” for the game.
I like survival hardcore. I have long ago spend a lot of time finding a nice tune of setup I stored in google drive for most realistic measures of day, night, thirst, hunger. I removed the map and the UI, and I removed loot in general from my game. Only gathering, building, etc.

Avoid this stuff:

But I am entirely aware that many people play this game as a game, gamefied, and for game reasons, casually.

So most of this I would not require to be the “default”.

The only reason I would it would be if I was insecure and wanting to prove to someone else that they cant beat the “true game” but I can.

As I am not that good of a person to care what other people think, I prefer a game that people install, play and feel good about themselves so more people buy it and devs work more on it.

Again, not the point.

The point is that I can make items without unlocking the knowledge, meaning I can use higher damage and pen weapons before folks who have not spent money.

That’s pay to win and I am not a fan.


I totally agree, and I wish that Witch hunt event would go away as soon as possible.

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asap? As a solo player, the witch hunt helps greatly. Restart from scratch and see how many obs are needed. Take your obs to the spire and pick your next dude.

Thats kind of the whole point of my argument. Overall I dont like things being too easy. Its more efficient to get stuff from the witch hunt than collect and craft the materials yourself, and I dont like that.


Thought I read a few remedies. I’ve argued that the ‘thing’ was too big. I’m just thinking about how many movesets are stored up here, and there is more that do want that history. I traveled the map yesterday for the latest in dreams, hopes, and history. I mean, it’s about equality (and trade). How about this, I like story mode (not implemented here) , but I don’t have time to visit that reality for anything comprehensive atm. I want to hear about peace at this level. It’s working.

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