[Xbox] Derketo Dancer Armor question

The Derketo Dancer Armor looks identical to Darfari Armor. The Derketo Dancer Headpiece looks like the medium armor headpiece, it also makes my character’s face invisible even though it has open eye slots.

Is that intentional, or a bug? I figured the set would look similar to the unique Derketo armor you craft at the shrine, but no, it’s just renamed pieces from other sets.

I play on XB1, SP offline, if that makes any difference.

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This is something I noticed on PC as well. I had forgotten about it once I found the Zingarian dancer outfit.

I think you meant Zamorian Dancer, unless I’ve totally missed a Zingarian outfit.

The Zamorian outfit is the one with the half skirt. There is also a Stygian dancer set that can be crafted. Both are nice, imo.

I wonder if the Derketo Dancer gear is just a typo by the devs, or just something left in by mistake, or maybe they’re just using the Darfari set as a placeholder for a future addition, idk. The only real difference I’ve noticed between the Derketo Dancer and Darfari gear is the crafting recipes.

Yes, you are correct. The red, half-skirt outfit that used to only be available from the dancer on the Black Hand ship, then, all over the shipwreck at the far-east end of the jungle, and now, available from several armorers to be crafted.
I always figured the Derketo dancer outfit was listed, then forgotten and never created. I’d like to see it, if it’s anything like the priestess outfit.

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