Xbox One-raid timer

When is raid time? I read that it’s at 5 but it’s almost 8 and I’ve wasted multiple explosives. I play on official servers.

It’s really simple to find out: go configurations/settings, server configurations then scroll down the menu and you’ll see the PvP configs to the server you’re playing in. It changes from place to place due to the region time.

On PS4, officials all say 17:00 to 23:00. Asia, EU, America, doesn’t matter.

That is for the server local time. it doesn’t show me what it is my local time. You will have to google time defferences, and do math yourself. I know most US servers on PS4 show the east coast time.

So for central time like me, i have to subtract an hour for the east coats america servers. 1700 to 2300 raid time = 1600 to 2200 for me. for a west coast server, i have to add 2 hours. so 17 to 23 = 1900 to 0100. Make sense?

Yeah, makes sense. And it’s exactly how you’re saing. Maybe it has to do with his local time being different from the server he’s playing.

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