Xevyr's guide to Thralls

Single Player is my live game. As if I’d play online - there are people out there. Ew.



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Go until 7. You’ll get whatever 10 gives just slower and safer. Bottom line, you stretch it as far as it gives you joy. One really great advantage this purge has is that you decide the level that you wish to compete.
High lvls are simply high risk for faster rewards. A lvl 10 purge in the end has at least 5 cages and 4 of them will be named at least if not all of them. But all these names can spawn in lower purges as well.

Good point :stuck_out_tongue:

@Xevyr thank you for doing this. Is there a different location for the original that I can share with my Discord or do I share this actual thread?

I have the wiki thrall pinned on the Discord, but I would like to remove it and add yours.

Thanks for your time.


This is the original :slight_smile: so yea, share the thread, just make sure to link the first post, otherwise people might be confused if the page opens halfway down to the comments. So the main link would be Xevyr's guide to Thralls


Throwing in a reply before this gets lost as it’s been pushed off quite a lot :slight_smile: Maybe it will help some people discover it :man_shrugging:

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Yeah. I had to look for it recently to post a link. :smile:
Why didn’t you place it in the players helping players category, @Xevyr ? Sure, there’s creativity in it, but basically it describes how things are. Creative corner was not my first guess. :smile:


This really needs to be a pinned post; it’s so valuable :heart:


It’s a players effort. His suggestions are creative. It’s not what he read only from devkit but how he understands things work better too. So it’s creative nonetheless!


Because it automatically locks there in 7-14 days :frowning:
Posts in the creative section don’t auto-lock (sometimes they do when they glitch out, but for the most part they don’t)

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Ahhh, well thought @Xevyr !
Gotta keep bumping it once in a while.

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Yes :slight_smile: replies are encouraged haha


I have a direct shortcut for it and the datasheet on the mainscreen of my phone. :smile:

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Wait, is that the criteria? My working theory was that there was some “popularity threshold” a topic could reach to avoid being auto-locked due to inactivity. Yours is a much simpler explanation.

Yea, I’m not 100% sure either, but it seems to be the case.
Some of my mod presentation threads that I posted in creative never got locked even thou they’re not that popular, however all of the ones I posted in general got locked automatically after a week or two :stuck_out_tongue:

So I just assumed that they made the creative corner exempt from the auto-lock… thou there might be other criteria too that can apply to all general threads :smiley:

See? this and similar ones never got locked even thou there’s barely a couple of replies
Out of 14 threads I started in the creative section only 2 got locked… even thou they’re not the least popular or anything like that :man_shrugging: I don’t quite understand why those 2 got locked… I think one of them was moved here by a moderator thou and was initially started in general… but still… it seems like it is sort of the criteria, but with like a 10% fail chance? :rofl:

As for this :slight_smile: stelagel suggested it earlier too, so I shot a message to @AndyB to see if they want to pin it or maybe share it somewhere or something :man_shrugging: but got no reply at all to that.


Let’s push this up a bit, maybe it’ll help someone :man_shrugging:


Aha, it was just a bump. I came to check whether a certain someone had found their way here to warn everybody how you have no clue about anything what you do and how your guide breaks their database or something along those lines.


A big thank-you .
Thank you for your contribution and your patience, it must have taken you a lot of time to search, verify, test and finally deliver us a complete version of your results .
Without you and the other modders who do a wonderful job (we console players don’t have the right to sniff) , we would not have access to this information.
It’s a shame that relevant information like hidden bonuses, damage values ​​and other useful information is hidden .
Thank you to the modding community for your exemplary work which benefits everyone.
When I see the amount of work it took you to compile the information provided and all of your contributions on the Conan Exile forums, I admire and recognizing.
THANKS @Xevyr @CodeMage @darthphysicist And to all the modders that I cannot cite, and thank you to the whole communities present on these forums.


Truth be told it is a little known fact that you do not even have to install his mods. Just reading his forum post will corrupt your game files and even a fresh re-install cannot fix them!