You can not play because of the meteor rain

You can not play because of the meteor rain.:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::rage::rage::angry:

I moved this to the xbox section for easier overview.
We are curremtly finalizing the console hotfix versions that will help with your issue.
Very sorry for the inconvenience.

Hasta cuándo podremos jugar? :rage::rage::rage::rage:

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two days without being able to play, because of the meteor shower, congratulations funcom for bad service :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:


Es probable que la revisión esté remendada en la mañana, pero puede demorar más debido al tiempo de certificación en las consolas.

@GABRIELHGB As mentioned above in Spanish, it will likely be patched in tommorow, but it also takes longer because of certification time on consoles.

I can only play Thursday and Friday, because of my work, and when I play it happens :frowning:

Hotfix is out now. :slight_smile: Please allow the servers to update. They’ll pop back up once they are.

For Xbox ??

I would like to harvest the meteors as it won’t allow me

and when will they be? we have people who can only play some days specifically, better remove the event!

Servers should all be back up. Are they not for you?

ok thanks

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