1931 and 1932 are dead in the water again?

Seems again it was back for a few days then now- "Unable to log in. Fail to join requested game. "

I was able to momentarily appear in game when there was prabably a server restart, but kicked immediately and unable to get back in again.

Hey @jjabberwockk

Apologies for the frustration. The usual problems of those servers are happening again. We’re still investigating the network exchanges in that cluster.

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Are the decay rates still paused?

I hope so but without being able to log in who knows… Ignasis?

They should be unless some unexpected changes happened in the meantime. We’ll ask our team to give it a look and confirm over the day.

So… another week with zero action possible on the 1932 server (though I don’t play on 1931 it looks the same)… any sort of solution in sight?

We’re in talks with G-Portal to deploy some server-side modifications that would help with this problem. It might take a few extra days until it becomes functional.

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how long it is going to take ?

Hey @xTent

The deployment was postponed due to the critical issues after Update 37. Once our team has gotten those issues under control, they’ll resume the deployment of the modifications.

You’re most likely wrong. No company is going to dedicate tons of resources to get one server out of hundreds back up. Doesn’t reflect on the manpower available, but rather on the priority level of the issue.

Psalm, I agree with you. From an outside perspective, Funcom does not have the profit/cost model required to staff properly.

The results are in the ability to produce/perform/correct the game at an even tempo. My fear is that the employees are being overworked and missing things, on top of missing time with their family. Understaffed.

I would gladly pay a monthly nominal fee to use what they have given freely, the official servers. An additional source of revenue, even small, would go a long way to resolve the current problems.




You jump from a server being offline for 16 days to FC being understaffed, overworking employees, and them missing time with their families? Quite a leap. None of what you said changes the fact that yes, a sever being down isn’t a ‘drop everything, OMGARMAGEDDON’ moment.

My server has been down for over 40 days now. So while I sympathize with the terrible plight of these poor players and their life altering server issues, maybe not jumping to armchair consultation about FC business practices, cost/profit model, or the state of their employees would be a good idea.

Sure, they have a right to complain. Which is why I didn’t say a word to them. I complained to FC about my server (yes, official) and will continue to do so. But you aren’t them, so I was responding to your input into the thread.

Along with someone else in this thread, who made the comment about overwork. Read other comments for that, and if something doesn’t apply to you then move on by.

So, you play on an official server that has been down for 40 days, yet do not post about it here? Where are you reporting it?

Most of your other posts are on a positive note, but this one stands out. (@Palm522, most of his comments are directed at me, not you)

I still maintain my position and you have every right to maintain yours, Maedhros.

I sincerely hope your server gets fixed.



Would gladly pay for better support but then again, when you let people pay, they also get louder too (for good reason), and makes things more complicated. That’s definately a double edged sword. And throwing money at it doesn’t necessarily help either, you need Good people, not just Paid people to solve problems. Not always easy.

The reason this doesnt happen on other servers is because this is a no-ping official server, which attracts ppl from all over the world; and it has attracted the wrong kinds of people who like to mess with others without being messed with themselves. They used exploits and ddos attacks it seems, to stop others from attacking them, while stockpiling to attack others.

Myself, I travel all over for work all year round, live outside the US, but want to play the game with friends in the US, so a no-ping server is the only option. The other reason I don’t leave the server is because I spent about a year building (and rebuilding after being smashed several times from those very ppl who seem to be a part of the problem), and am not motivated to start again either on my own paid server or another server because I invested so much time into my fortress already. Though I am tempted to get my own server, the same problem could easily happen there too, and real life’s been too busy for better or worse so I’m waiting for it to come back online.

Besides, if you are a Conan fan, Robert E. Howards first publication of Conan came out in the year 1932, so it has sentimental value :wink:


Ive been wanting to jump into 1932. Anyone know if its been fixed??

Hey all,

Quick update: We’ve started to deploy some tools to fight back the attacks on some servers. This is a WIP feature and will require some time to get tuned properly.


1932 seems stable for now, Have had no problems for a several days straight. I don’t know if there’s anything happening in the background or not but all good for the time being. Please don’t forget to turn the decay back on eventually. Thanks for all your help!

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We’re doing some back-end adjustments on every try. We’ll continue to evaluate the situation and once determined it’s controlled we’ll revert all server settings to default.


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