1x Atlantean Sword + 1x Royal Armor + Base game, steam codes (still have them)

I bought two (i have two PC`s for LAN gaming) physical Conan Exiles Day One Editions back in the day, second Day One Edition codes are still unused.

One code gives Base game + Royal Armor
Second code gives you Atlantean Sword

Let me know if you are interested.


yes plz

Yes, Please!

I suspect you’ve already given it to one of the other people who asked however if you haven’t I would be very thankful if I could be given the codes as I used to have at least the sword on ps4 but unfortunately lost it when I was forced to switch to playing on pc when my console broke either way thank you for being a generous enough person to offer to give your unused codes to those who don’t have them.

Wait how? I have a day 1 game but I thought the sword was for console users only!?

I guess thats what you get if you bought the physical edition. I got the digital edition the second it was available. Lame that Conan’s sword is only for pre-ordering PHYSICAL editions.

he is looking to make some money so , good luck i guess :frowning: be carefull

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